The film daily year book of motion pictures (1934)

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CATHOLIC WRITERS' GUILD 128 W. 71st St, New York, N. Y. ENdicott 2-0411 OFFICERS: Honorary President Patrick Cardinal Hayes President ..James J. Walsh, M.D. Spiritual Director Rev. John B. Kelly Vice-President James McGurrin Secretary Emeritus Thomas C. Quinn Financial Secretary Mrs. M. E. F. Meighan Treasurer John J. Livingston Meeting Dates: Monthly; Membership: 500. — • — CINEMAGUNDI, INC. 2560 Beachwood Dr., Hollywood, Cal. GLadstone 6126 OFFICERS: President Hugh Reticker Vice-President Paul L. Grimm Secretary Tom E. Manners Treasurer Leo E. Kuter BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Ben Carre, Harry Eckes, Paul A. Grimm, Archie Jett, Leo E. Kuter, Tom E. Manners, Mario Quadrelli, Hugh Reticker, Fred M. Sersen, Fred C. Stoos, Sidney M. Ullman. EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF NONTHEATRICAL FILM PRODUCERS OFFICERS: President William J. Ganz Vice-President Arthur H. Loucks Secretary-Treasurer Clinton F. Ivins Membership: Advertising Film Associates, Caravel Films, Inc., Castle Films, Inc., William J. Ganz Co., General Business Films, Inc., Loucks & Norling, Inc., Pathescope Co. of America, Inc., Visomatic Systems, Inc. EMPIRE STATE MOTION PICTURE OPERATORS UNION, INC. 423 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cumberland 6-3250 OFFICERS: President Arthur Farkash Vice-President James Addesso Recording Secretary William Santarsiero Financial Secretary Wallace Topping Treasurer Ernest Mauro Business Agent Joseph Blatt Sergeant-at-Arms Anthony Sierveld Membership: 475. Purpose: To promote the economic and intellectual welfare of its members and to improve the working conditions of its membership, composed of motion picture operators. COPYRIGHT PROTECTION BUREAU 1270 Sixth Ave., New York, N. Y. Circle 7-1934 General Attorney Gabriel L. Hess Purpose: To protect national and regional distributors against unauthorized exhibitions of the motion picture productions. — • — DEPARTMENT OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION of the National Education Association combined with The National Academy of Visual Instruction Secretary's Address 1638 Illinois St., Lawrence, Kansas OFFICERS: President Mrs. Grace Fisher Ramsey Associate Curator, American Museum of Natural History, New York City. 1st Vice-President C. F. Hoban Director of Museums and Visual Instruction, State Department of Education, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. 2nd Vice-President Rupert Peters Director of Visual Instruction, Kansas City Public Schools, Kansas City, Mo. Secretary-Treasurer Ellsworth C. Dent 1638 Illinois St., Lawrence, Kansas EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Robert Collier Jr., Director of Visual Instruction. South High School, Denver, Colorado. Mrs. Grace Fisher Ramsey, American Museum of Natural History, New York City. William H. Dudley, Yale University Press Film Service, 736 South Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. John A. Hollinger, Director of Nature Study and Visualization, Pittsburgh City Schools, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Daniel C. Knowlton, Associate Professor of Education, New York University, New York City. Abraham Krasker, Director of Visual Instruction, Quincy Public Schools, Quincy, Massachusetts. FEDERATION OF THE MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY OF AMERICA, INC. 1440 Broadway, New York, N. Y. PEnnsylvania 6-6379 President P. S. Harrison Vice-President M. H. Hoffman Vice-President W. Ray Johnston Vice-President Harry Thomas Vice-President Jack Bellman Treasurer Charles Glett Secretary John Webber BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lester W. Adler, Jack Bellman, Ben Berk, Jack Berkowitz, Al Bondy, Frank D. Ferrone, Al Friedlander, Charles Glett, Herman Glucksman, Arthur Greenblatt, P. S. Harrison, Milton H. Hoffman, W. Ray Johnston, Louis Korson, Alfred T. Mannon, Phil Meyers, William Pizor, Patrick A. Powers, Herman Rifkin, Robert M. Savini, Jacob Schechter, William Steiner, Harry Thomas. FILM DAILY RELIEF FUND 1650 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Circle 7-4736 Committee: Jack Alicoate, Chairman; Maurice D. Kann, Don M. Mersereau. Al Lichtman, John Brandt, Lee Ochs, Louis Nizer. Flinn, William — • — FILM FORUM, INC. 125 W. 45th St., New York, N. Y. BRyant 9-6516 OFFICERS: President Sidney Howard Vice-President Thomas J. Brandon Secretary Margaret Larkin General Counsel H. William Fitelson 583