Film year book (1936)

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WRITERS' AGENTS Swerling, Jo CRestview 5171 Symonds, Henry R CRestview 12141 Szekely, Hanns CRestview 6186 — T — Tarkington, Booth HOIlywood 1648 Tasker, Robert Joyce CRestview 6186 Taylor, Deems OXford 1176 TAYLOR, DWIGHT GUdstone 6134 Taylor, Marguerite G'Ladstone 6134 Taylor, Ray Hillside 1101 Taylor, Rex CRestview 12141 Taylor, Sam CRestview 6186 Terrett, Courtney OXford 3121 Terry, Frank GRanite 7566 Thackrey, Gene (Eugene P.) CRestview 6600 Thalberg, Sylvia CRestview 12141 Thayer, Tiffany OXford 3131 THEW. HARVEY CRestview 6186 Thomas, A. E OXford 1116 Thomas, Faith CRestview 9320 Thompson, Harlan CRestview 5171 Thompson, Keene OXford 1008 Timberg, Herman ORegon 1167 Tiomkin, Dimitri CRestview 4151 Totheroh, Dan CRestview 4151 Totman, Wellyn Hillside 1101 Toohey, John Peter OXford 1116 TOWNE, GENE OXford 1008 Townley, Jack HOIlywood 1405 Treynor, Albert OXford 1176 Trivers, Barry CRestview 6186 Trivers, Paul CRestview 5171 TRUMBO, DALTON HOIlywood 2722 Tryon, Glenn OXford 1176 Tuchock, Wanda. .CRestview 5171 or OXford 6121 Tully, Jim HOIlywood 1648 TUPPER, TRISTAM OXford 7071 Turner, Ethel HOIlywood 5301 Tuttle, Hurl CRestview 9320 TWIST, JOHN Oxford 6121 — II — Ullman, Elwood OXford 7071 Unger, Gladys CRestview 5171 Unsell, Eve HOIlywood 1405 Upson, William Hazlett HOIlywood 1648 — V — Vajda, Ernest OXford 3121 Van Dyke, Tom CRestview 6193 Van Dycke, Tom Hillside 1101 Van der Zee, R GLadstone 6134 Van Every, Dale OXford 1116 Van Loan, H. H Hillside 5162 Van Riper, Kay GLadstone 6134 Van Upp, Virginia Hillside 1121 Veiller, Anthony OXford 1116 Veiller, Bayard OXford 3131 Vecsei, D. J CRestview 0121 Vernon, Harry M Hillside 5162 Viertel, Salka (Mrs.) CRestview 4151 Visaroflf, Michael S CRestview 8558 VoUmer, Lulu Hillside 5162 Vollmoeller, Karl HOIlywood 2213 Von Koczian, Else CRestview 9320 Von Sternberg, Josef CRestview 4151 \'on Stroheira, Erich, Sr Hillside 5162 Von Tempsky, Arline OXford 7144 — u — Waggner, George OXford 3103 Wagner, John (Jack) CRestview 6161 Wald, Jerry CRestview 6186 Wald, Evans HOIlywood 5301 Wales, Henry HOIlywood 1648 Wallace, Francis OXford 1176 Walker, H. M Hillside 1121 Wallace, Dan Joseph HOIlywood 5858 Wallace, David OXford 1116 Walpole, Hugh CRestview 5171 Walter, Eugene ORegon 1167 Ware, Darrell OXford 1176 Ware, Harlan OXford 1176 Ware, Jack OXford 7144 Warren, Charles CRestview 6193 Warren, Herbert HOIlywood 5858 Watkins, Maurine CRestview 5171 Watson, Robert HOIlywood 1648 Watson, William Hillside 1101 Waugh, Alec CRestview 6186 Waugh, Evelyn CRestview 6186 WEAD, FRANK B OXford 1176 Weems, Walter CRestview 6600 Weaver, John V. A OXford 1116 Webb, Jean Frances HOIlywood 5301 WEBB, KENNETH HOIlywood 3517 Webster, M. Coates CRestview 4151 Werfel, Franz HOIlywood 1405 Weitzenkorn, Louis CRestview 6186 Wells, William K OXford 1176 Wesley, John HOIlywood 3517 West, Beaufort GLadstone 3797 West, Claudine HOIlywood 2722 West, Nathaniel CRestview 4151 West, Rebecca CRestview 4151 Westman, Lolita Ann OXford 7071 Weston, Garnett OXford 1116 WEXLEY, JOHN HOIlywood 3517 Whately, Roger CRestview 6600 Whelan, Tim Hillside 2125 White, Irving OXford 1116 White, Jules OXford 7103 WHITE, WILLIAM C HOIlywood 3517 WILBUR, CRANE HOIlywood 2722 Wilder, Billie CRestview 4181 Wilder, Thornton GLadstone 6134 Wiley, Hugh OXford 1116 Willis, F. McGrew Hillside 1101 Williams, Alan OXford 1116 Williams, Ben Ames OXford 1176 Williams, Henry Meade HOIlywood 5301 Willson, Dixie HOIlywood 1648 Wilson, Harry Leon CRestview 6186 WILSON, CAREY OXford 3101 Wilkie, Don (Capt.) HOIlywood 5341 Willard, John GRanite 2188 Winemore, Robert OXford 1116 Winslow, Horatio OXford 1176 Winslow. John Seymour Hillside 1101 WINSLOW, THYRA SAMTER HOIlywood 3517 Wise, Walter J Hillside 1101 Wolfe. Thomas CRestview 4151 WOLFSON, J. P GLadstone 3117 WOOD, CLEMENT HOIlywood 3517 Wood, Cyrus CRestview 4151 Woods, Frank E CRestview 6161 Woolf, Edgar Allen OXford 1301 Woollcott, Alexander CRestview 6186 Woolrich, Cornell HOIlywood 3517 Woon, Basil CRestview 6161 Worth, Cedric ORegon 1167 Wray, John, Sr CRestview 4151 Wright, William Lord CRestview 9320 Wylie, Philip OXford 1167 — \ — Yardley, Major H. O OXford 1176 Yawitz, Paul OXford 1176 Yeats-Brown, Major Francis Hillside 5L62 YELLEN, JACK HOIlywood 3517 Yohalem, George Hillside 1101 Yost, Dorothy CRestview 4181 Yost, Robert CRestview 5171 Young, Edward CRestview 4151 Young, Howard CRestview 4151 YOUNG, WALDEMAR CRestview 4151 — z — Zara, Louis ..CRestview 4128 or HEmpstead 1296 Zilahy, Lajas CRestview 4151 Zugsmith, Leone HOIlywood 5301 Zweig, Stefan CRestview 4151 658