The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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Pink GoJs Singed Wings RICHARD STANTON J918 The Yankee Way Scarlet Pimpernel The Spy Cheating the Public Stolen Honor Rough and Ready 1919 Caillaux Case Jungle Trail Land of the Free Why America Will Win Why I Would Not Marry Checkers 1921 The Face at Your Window Thunderclap 1923 McGuire of the Mounted JULIUS STEGER 1918 Cecelia of the Pink Roses Just a Woman 1919 Her Mistake Hidden Truth Burden of Proof Belle of New York 1921 NORMAN L. STEVENS Johnny Ring and the Captain's Sword PAUL STEIN 1922 The Red Peacock The Devil's Pawn MAURITZ STILLER 1922 Sir Arne's Treasure In Self Defense 1924 The Blizzard JEROME STORM 1918 Keys of the Righteous Naughty Naughty Biggest Show on Earth Desert Wooing The Vamp 1915 The Busher Girl Dodger Greased Lightning Hay Foot, Straw Foot 1920 Alarm Clock Andy Crooked Straight Red Hot Dollars Paris Green The Egg Crate Wallop Homer Comes Home 1921 Village Sleuth An Old Fashioned Boy Peaceful Valley 1922 The Rosary Her Social Value Arabian Love Honor First 1923 The Madness of Youth Truxton King A California Romance Good Bje Girls Children of Jazz Saint Elmo 1924 The Brass Bowl 1924 The Goldfish The Siren of Seville MALCOLM STRAUSS 1923 Salome HUNT STROMBERG 1923 Breaking Into Society 1924 The Siren of Seville 1924 The Fire Patrol A Cafe in Cairo The Siren of Seville Tiger Thompson ROLLIN STURGEON 1918 The Bride's Silence The Rainbow Girl The Calendar Girl Betty and the Buccir.eer? The Shuttle Petticoat Pilot Unclaimed Goods 1919 Destiny Hugon the Mighty Pretty Smooth Sundown Trail 1920 The Girl in the Rain In Folly's Trail 1921 Gilded Dreams Mad Marriage All Dolled Up Danger Ahead 1922 North of the Rio Grande 1923 West of the Water Tower 1924 Daughters of Today West of the Water Tower M. O. SUDOKOFF 1918 The Dagger Woman FREDERICK SULLIVAN 1919 The Solitary Sin 1922 Courtship of Miles Standish CHARLES SWICKARD 1919 Almost Married Faith Hitting the High Spots Light of Western Stars The Spender 1920 The Devil's Claim The Third Woman Li Ting Lang An Arabian Night 1921 Body and Soul HENRY SYMONDS 1920 Go and Get It CULLEN TATE 1924 Try and Get It CHARLES TAYLOR 1920 Through the Eyes of Men 1922 The Half Breed SAM TAYLOR 1922 The Mohican's Daughter 1923 Why Worry Safety Last 1924 Hot Water Girl Shy S. E. V. TAYLOR 1924 Roulette The Lone Wolf WILLIAM D. TAYLOR 1918 North of 'S3 Jack and Jill Tom Sawyer Spirit of '17 Huck and Tom Up the Road With Sally His Majesty Bunker Bean MileA-MinuteKendall 1919 How Could You Jean 1919 Captain Kidd, Jr. Johanna Enlists 1920 Judy of Rogue's Harbor Anne of Green Gables Jenny Be Good Nurse Marjorie Huckleberry Finn Soul of Youth 1921 The Witching Hour Sacred and Profane Love The Furnace Wealth 1922 Morals The Top of New York The Green Temptation LOU TELLEGEN 1918 The Thing We Love TOM TERRISS 1918 The Fettered Woman A Woman Between Friends The Song of the Soul The Business of Life The Triumph of the Weak Find the Woman To the Highest Bidder 1919 Third Degree Spark Divine Lion and the Mouse Everybody's Girl Cambric Mask Captain's Captain 1920 The Fortune Hunter The Climbers The Tower of Jewels The Vengeance of Durand Captain Swift 1921 Heart of Maryland Dead Men Tell No Tales Trumpet Island 1922 Find the Woman Boomerang Bill The Challenge 1923 Harbor Lights 1924 The Desert Sheik The Bandolero GEORGE TERWILLIGER 1920 The Price Woman Pays Slaves ot Pride The Sporting Duchess Dollars and Sense 1921 The Fatal Hour Little Italy 1922 The Bride's Play What Fools Men Are 1924 Wife in Name Only OTIS B. THAYER 1919 Miss Arizona 1920 Wolves of the Street The Desert Scorpion (Continued on page 259) 181