The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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Stars and Their Productions 1918 to 1925 PEGGY ADAMS 1918 Salt of the Earth JACK ABBE 1919 Mystic Faces RENEE ADOREE 1920 The Strongest CLAIRE ADAMS 1919 Key to Power KATHRYN ADAMS 1919 Little Brother of the Rich Whom the Gods Destroy EDITH ALLEN 1924 Virtuous Liars HENRY AINLEY 1918 Man of His Word MARY ALDEN 1922 Man With Two Mothers A Woman's Woman DIANA ALLEN 1923 Salome WINIFRED ALLEN 1918 Haunted House The Man Hater For Valour From Two To Six MAY ALLISON 1918 Social Hypocrites The Winning of Beatrioe A Successful Adventure 1919 Her Inspiration Almost Married Island of Intrigue Testing of Mildred Vane In for Thirty Days Uplifter Return of Mary Peggy Does Her Darndest Castles in the Air 1920 The Walk-Offs Fair and Warmer The Cheater Held in Trust 1921 ' Are All Men Alike Extravagance The Last Card Marriage of Wm. Ashe Big Game 1922 Woman Who Fooled Herself CLAIRE ANDERSON 1918 Mme. Paulette The Price of Applause 1919 Crown Jewels Mask of Riches Grey Parasol 1921 The Palace of Darkened Windows G. A. ANDERSON 1919 Red Blood and Yellow 1922 Greater Duty MARY ANDERSON 1918 Sunlight's Last Raid The Flaming Omen When Men Are Tempted 1920 Bubbles 1922 Too Much Married When Knights Were Bold ROBERT ANDERSON 1920 Common Property TSURU AOKI 1920 Breath of the Gods Locked Lips A Tokio Siren EDWIN ARDEN 1919 Ruling Passions JULIA ARTHUR 1919 Cavell Case ROSCOE ARBUCKLE 1921 Traveling Salesman The Round-Up The Dollar a Year Man The Life of the Party Brewster's Millions Crazy to Marry MACLYN ARBUCKLE 1921 Squire Phin 1922 Welcome to Our City Mr. Potter of Texas Squire Phinn Mr. Bingle GEORGE ARLISS 1921 The Devil Disraeli 1922 The Ruling Passion Man Who Played God 1923 Green Goddess 1924 $20 a Week ARTHUR ASHLEY 1918 Shall We Forgive Her Broken Ties 1919 American Way Praise Agent 1920 Forest Rivals LESLIE AUSTIN 1918 Courage of the Commonplace AGNES AYRES 1918 The Bottom of the Well One Thousand Dollars 1922 The Sheik The Ordeal The Lane That Had no Turning Bought and Paid For Borderland 1923 Daughter of Luxury Heart Raiders Racing Hearts KING BAGGOT 1919 Man Who Stayed at Home 1921 Snowy Baker The Shadow of Lightning Rii The Fighting Breed 1922 The Better Man 1923 His Last Race LEAH BAIRD 1918 Life or Honor Moral Suicide 1919 The Volcano Window Opposite As a Man Thinks Echo of Youth 1920 The Capitol Cynthia of the Minute 1921 The Heart Line 1922 Don't Doubi Your Wife When the Devil Drives The Bride's Confession When Husband's Deceive 1923 Destroying Angel SNOWY BAKER 1924 The White Panther MABEL BALLIN 1921 East Lynne Pagan Love 1922 Other Women's Clothes Jane Eyre Married People THEDA BARA 1919 Cleopatra Camille Rose of the Blood Madame Du Barry The Soul of Buddha Under the Yoke The Forbidden Path Siren's Song When a Woman Sins When Men Desire Woman There Was The Light Salome 1920 La Belle Russe Lure of Ambition Kathleen Mavourneen CHESTER BARNETT 1919 Woman BESSIE BARRISCALE 1918 Blindfolded Within the Cup Patriotism Maid O' the Storm The Cast Off Those Who Pay Rose O' Paradise 1919 Heart of Rachael Two-Gun Betty White Lie Trick of Fate Woman Michael Married Tangled Threads Joselyn's Wife Hearts Asleep 183