The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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Injunction application against Selznick, brought by Peter Licari. as trustee in bankruptcy for American Releasing, comes up June 9. June 5 Famous to cut tax in all theaters. Reported, though denied, that Griffith may join Famous. Loevv may build in New Orleans and Birmingham. June 6 Joe Brandt finds admissions too high, considering poor business situation, especially in MidWest. New defense introduced by Famous at second day of Federal Trade session in Cleveland. June 7 Large New York circuit heads to confer on question of handling tax. Unanimity of action anticipated. Saunders and Grainger off for second Metro Goldwyn sales convention in Chicago. To attend Coast meeting. June & J. D. Williams returns. Hugh Mcintosh joins Ritz-Carlton. "Bioscope" report credits Sabatini with writing Valentino stones some of which will be made abroad. Binderup case resumed at Omaha. "Blacklist' charge again to the front. J. Gordon Edwards, back from abroad, praises Brabin's work on "Ben Hur." June 10 Survey made by THE FILM DAILY shows exhibitors generally will refund admission. Famous office closed in Tokio because of boycott. No word from others. Howells receives word to hold up shipments. Committee appointed at Warner franchise holders' Coast meeting to co-operate with producers as to material desired by exhibitors. June 11 Treasury Department rules certificates showing destroyed tickets are necessary. Regal becomes Metro-Goldwyn Canadian distributor. Tacoma suburban exhibitors worried over expansion of Jensen & Von Herberg. June 12 No. Car. M. P. T. O. meeting was, in effect, a meeting of the Allied exhibitor group. W. A. Steffes elected president. Mid-Winter meeting of Allied organizations planned in December at Charlotte. Trans-Canada Theaters, Ltd., seek to have theater deal with A. J. SmaTi interests cancelled. M. P. T. O. directors submit financing plan. Committees named. June 13 Production plans of Schulberg — (Preferred) for coming season. Charles R. Rogers back from Coast. Corinne Griffith to start "Wilderness" before "Declasse." June 14 Louis Auerbach thinks more big theaters essential to prosperity of Europe. Sol Lesser launches children's theater movement. J. E. Story, Pathe, sees big year ahead. Busi ness better than last two years, he says. June 16 Hodkinson changes name to Producers Distributing Corp. Convention next week . Reduce admissions, only way to persuade So. Car. to lift 10% tax. declares C. W. Irvine. Plans set for Jersey M. P. T. O. convention at Asbury Park, Juhe 24. Seven sales conferences hold by First National in big cities. June 17 Universal buying theaters only to secure outlets, says Laemmle. Now controls 14. M. P. T. O. A. attacks sales policies of "Famous Forty" in New Yorr: territory to boost prices, is charge. Loew predicts greater earnings this year. Prof its up 25% for first six montns. June 18 New York M. P. T. O. invites M P. T. O. A. and Allied group to join hands at forthcoming slate convention. Small interest in State and Allen, Cleveland, reverts back to Loew's, from Famous. One from Mrs. Wallace Reid on F. B. O. fall schedule. Six from Fred Thomson and siy from Goebel and Erb. "Sorrows of Satan" bought by Famous. June 19 Six productions yearly from Ritz. Four with stars, two from directors. KIcine resigns. Yearsley with Williams. Consolidated plans $6,000,000 for investment, New Coast laboratory included R. A. Rowland believes the story counts most in elements making pictures. Abraham Lehr becomes general manager of production for Samuel Goldwyn. June 20 Binderup loses case to national distributors. Plans a new appeal. Tacoma exhibitors form combine to fight alleged encroachments of Jensen and Von Herberg. Western N Y. theater owners split with M. P T. O. to affiliate with M. P. T. O. of New York. Deal on for sale or lease of Century, Baltimore, to important producing organization. Jun? 21 Germany producing with an eye on American and English market. Finances not plentiful. Receiver sought for T. O. D. C. (Delaware) on judgment secured by W. A. True. June 23 T. O. D. C. nears end. Directors file voluntary petition in bankruptcy to save assets. Admission tax for May shows bad slump. $11,000 below May, 1923, and $591,374 lower than April, 1924. Hays organization preparing number of suitable urograms for Saturday morning children's matinees. Interesting facts pertaining to history and development of army theaters made public. June 24 W. A. Steffes, head of Allied States' Organization declines Brandt's invitation to Buffalo meeting. Steffes has plans tor disbandment of Allied and M. P T. 6. A. and organization of exhibitor association patterned after Federal Government. Metro-Goldwyn production plans call for 25 completed pictures by Sept. 1. Famous counsel seeks to disaprove Paramount had monopoly on territory at hearing in St. Louis. Jersev exhibitors favor R. F. Woodhull again as president at Asbury Park convention, although he refuses to run. June 2s M. J O'Toole will not attend Buffalo convention. Says he is pressed for time. Witness testifies 80 per cent of exhibito "s favor block booking at St. Louis investigation into Famous. New Trans-continental air mail service starts Ju'v 1. Films to be carried. Fred Warren wins three-year old suit against Associated Producers. Gets jury verdict of $39,500. Arbitration Society honors Will Hays at Biltmore dinner. Educatiinal home office executives and Eastern managers leave for Coast convention. June 26 Ideal of London and Christie to make "Charley's Aunt" jointly. William Sievers testifies exhibitors entered distribution before Famous started theater-buymg campaign at Federal hearing tn St. Louis. Joseph Seider elected heart of Jersey M. P. T. O. O'Toole urges M. P. T. O. A. bank. Julius Burns sues Dc Forest for $382,250 for breach of agreement. June 27 Shortage of water power on West Coast may curtail production activities. New Loew theaters may be built in Seattle and Portland. Ore. D. W. Griffith going to Germany to shoot exteriors for "The Dawn." 559