The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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feS^fttf Vatati°n E«™** "Sainted toApa0thptedrExl,ibit0rS tUn}!n* more ^tail over Stttapa* wasir"" not d,ssoiving but CaSadhn m' 'p* TKin£dom bans "America." tig&tisss?* by Maycr an<i ssws^ss Allied States Organization to meet in Kansas City August 1819. Kansas edIno^enh^S«n?0fUC^e'a^ dist"^tors alarm pdignVdirec?tnfxhi0bmobrne ^ "m" outlook" ■ H ayS' ''ack fr,0m Coast oP^mistic over outlook His new production and advertising Long3 BdearcT0Ca.b,e ta ^ °f «£3tt Local circuits fail to meet for fall buvini? <ti. cussion Reported twenty-seven ex 1 il "o s have signed buying agreement under revived A B C Aug. 8 und^^'r5 lSeC,U,r,in^ rebates O" foreign prints H am Al Kk Provisions of tariff law. P to Europe * *3>h °" annual business WeTtcSe, ***** f° bui'd "ew » W S. Gordon Michie, prominent Ene-liO, BXSV;ictu°rmsnLreVer '° ***** ^ ^ li,b^a^aCY' .sit»at'onUgand elimination of Eng. anAaSL81 ,iftinB McK— Marvo? i,decla,teS ^re is no Possibility of either DW Gri&T?** °ther organization cointS GraingCr °ff °" S3,eS trip throuSh the , . Aug 11 *rfm0US seeking to reach high water mark ot 1920 ,n earnings. $2 dividend declared on com Hiram Abrams writes Stock Exchange attack mg Famous on stock manipulations Savs rp°rrS Wfr? cjrcttlated deliberately S3yS falSe New Fleisher N„ '"nchise included in deal. m!tc JLm r r— Novagraph camera process oer mits holding of poses, while other action goes on. mai^aT' G°'dWyn Europe for story ^Harry Brouse, ' prominent Canadian exhibitor, Selling 17 P b'°ck bo°k'ng this year. Hf t Aug. 13 Marcus Loew back from Europe savs M„„ sssFisa worthwh;,e tilASeptd'S KanS3S City inferences postponed un aba^Ton13 Sioux Falls0' offi* " agitation. a"S °ffice' de*'te Northwest Arthur Clavering and Svdnev as managing directors of Y O uTl,,^ ed by Harrv Enders d' Succeed a Wallace Worsley will not direct for M. P D. »• Wilk -cure Benny 000 for theaters Theaters plan $5,000, Aug. 14 1924 exports show big jump over 1923. Inter Globe Export opens offices in London Paris and Berlin. Sydney Cohen and Mike Comerford plan magazine reel. "Lightnin" " first to be made under John Golden-rox deal. Difficulties over between Jack White and Educational. Aug. 15 Bet)y Bronson, a 17 year old girl and an unknown, announced as Barrie's choice for title role in "Peter Pan." Imperial buys "Garden of Peril" and "Titans," for production. Charles H. Duell interested in production of "Louise." Aug. 16 Loew will build in St. Louis. J. A. Tuck plans New England chain. Warners in deal with Australasian Films Inc. Pathe to release "Into the Net" as serial and feature. Aug. 18 T. O C. C. refuses to meet operator demands. Lasky signs Sidney Olcott. Exporters hopeful over Dawes plan. Aug. 19 Consolidated Film Industries Inc., reported about to take over Standard Laboratories, Inc., of Hollywood. Record crop stimulates business in the Northwest. First National satisfied with Eschmann sales plan on specials. Sidney Olcott will make his first for Famous in the East. First National signs new contract with Dick Barthelmess for additional pictures. Coast producers agree to better studio conditions for artists. Aug. 20 Famous plans ads in 4000 newspapers for Paramount Week. Norma Talmadge to star in "Madam Pompa dour." Ferdinand Earle plans "Faust." Uihleins and Saxe interests seen in fight for first-run control in Milwaukee. Report M. P. Directors Holding Corp. will not make pictures for Grand-Asher. First National reports boom in Mountain States. M. J. O'Toole hits at monopoly in speech at Wisconsin M. P. T. O. convention. Murray Garsson prefers charges of larceny against Selznick. Latter disclaims all knowledge. Aug. 21 June Mathis quits Metro-Goldwyn. "U" cashes in on rum cabaret story. H. B. Franklin back from Europe. I. M. P. P. D. A. discusses closed exchange territories and theater situation in Minneapolis and Seattle. Report that Lloyd joins Famous, which Lloyd consistently denies. Fred Seegart elected Wisconsin M. P. T. O. head. Famous starts "North of 36." T. O. C C. signing contracts with Reel Club operators. Aug. 22 Tune Mathis to do two Valentino scripts. Harold Lloyd officially denies having closed distributing deal. Warners to build theater near Coast studio. Joe Brandt warns exhibitors to keep time open, else independent producers will die. Walter W. Irwin wins M. P. News prize for new distribution plan. Would establish neutral releasing agency for all companies. Aug. 23 Famous Players' six months profit total $1,350,801. Texas faces legislative troubles. Many adverse bills looked for. No statement from Toast on reported collapse of Grand-Asher deal with directors. Joseph M. Schenck sells interest in West Coast Theaters, Inc. 562