Film year book (1925)

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There are 35 picture houses in the City of Indianapolis, including neighborhood houses, and 4 36 in the State. The Indorsers have been invited to see 38 special screenings during the year. Some of the best were "The Third Alarm," "Voice of the Land," "Skin Deep" and "Cardigan" (sponsored by the American Legion), ">ianook of the North," "To Have and To Hold," "Timothy's Quest," and "Silas Marner." The number of pictures seen in the year 1921 was 480, of this number 390 were indorsed. Six years ago the number seen was 180 and 90 indorsed, owing to the fact that there were fewer picture houses and fewer pictures being made at that time. This year (1922-23) Ihere were 550 pictures seen and 468 indorsed. Of this number 33 were starred. Some of the best productions were: "Smitin' Thru." "Little Lord Fauntelroy," "Our Mutual Friend." "Silas Marner," "Sonny," "The Masquerader," "Rack Home and Broke." "The Hottentot," "Our Leading Citizen," "Monte Cristo." "Grandma's Boy." "When Knighthood Was in Flower," "Dr. Jack," "Peg o' My Heart.' "Robin Hood," and "Daddy." The pictures that were not indorsed during the year did not come up to the standard set by the committee. There is less to criticize in the pictures today than two years ago. Bed room scenes have almost entirely disappeared as has also the once popular vampire picture— THAT WHICH IS EVIL FALLS OF ITS OWN WETGHT; THAT WHICH IS GOOD PERMANENTLY PREVAILS. Public taste regarding pictures has changed. Only during the last few years has the motion picture begun to show famous books and costume plays, which in previous years would hare been failures. "Monte Cristo," "The Three Musketeers," and "The Prisoner of Zenda" have always been popular stories, but since they have appeared on the screen, libraries have had to buy many additional copies. A number of people who read very little are introduced in this way to good books. In one city the film of Peter Ibbct son caused a demand for the book unequalled by any "movie novel." In a report from the Fort Wayne Better Film Committee, pictures classified between tlrfe dates of March 1921 and January 1923 are given as follows : Number of A Plus Pictures (exceptionally fine) 23 Number of A Pictures (above average).. 125 Number of B Pictures (average) 149 Number of C Pictures (mediocre) 99 Number of Rejected Pictures (undesirable in some way) ' 72 Number of Actually Bad Pictures (can't say exactly, not very many. Total number — viewed by the committee 468 THE COMMITTEE ON PUBLIC RELATIONS (Co-operating with the M. P. Prod. & Dis. of America, through Col. Jason S. Joy. executive secretary, 512 5th Ave., New York City.) Lee F. Hanmer, Chairman, Russel Sage Foundation; Major Washington I. L. Adams, The Nat'l Society of the Sons of the American Revolution : Mrs. James P. Andrews, National Society Colonial Dames of America ; Dr. Anthony J. Lanza. National Health Council ; C. J. Atkinson. Boys' Club Federation; Mrs. L. Grant Baldwin, Daughters of the American Revolution; Rev. George J. Becker, The American Sunday School Union : Arthur E. Bestor, Chautauqua Institution ; David S. Beyer, National Safety Council; Dr. Katharine Blunt, American Home Economics Assn ; LeRoy E. Bowman, The Nat'l Community Center Assn. ; Howard S. Braucher, Communty Service ; Mrs. Mary deGarmo Bryan, American Home Economics Assn. ; Harold S. Buttenheim. American City Bureau; Rabbi Edward N. Calisch, Central Conference of American Rabbis; Harold A. Caparn. Amercian Civic Association ; Laurence Vail Coleman, The American Assn. of Museums; Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook, Daughters of the American Revolution; Miss H. Ida Curry, Child Welfare League of America; George E. Dickie, Playground and Recreation Association of America; Marcus A. Dow, National Safety Council; E. J. Dupuy. Commonwealth Club; John Emerson, Actors' Equity Association ; Philip D. Fagans, The Woodcraft League of America; Dr. Thomas E. Finegan, Nat'l Education Association; Hugh Frayne, American Federation of Labor; Miss Marilla W. Freeman, American Library Association ; Mrs. Howard S. Gans, Federation for Child Study ; Mrs. G. W. Gedney, The Nat'l Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; H. L. Glueksman, Jewish Welfare Board ; Miss Gertrude Gogin, Girl Reserve Department of the Y. W. C. A.; Lee F. Hanmer, Russel Sage Foundation; Mrs. Oliver Harriman. Camp Fire Girls ; Mrs. Arthur Harris. The Council of Jewish Women; Mrs. Winifred Hathaway. National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness; Edward R. Hewitt, Cooper Union ; Lou E. Holland, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World; Miss Marion Humble, The National Association of Book Publishers; Carl Hunt, Associated Advertising Clubs of the World ; Henry Israel, American Country Life Assn. ; Mrs. Laura UndchUl Kohn, National Congress of Parents and Teachers; Rev. Charles N. Lathrop. Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America; Mrs. Harry Lilly, General Federation of Women's Clubs; Dr. Samuel McCune Lindsay, The Academy of Political Science; Owen R. Lovejoy, National Child Labor Committee; J. Horace McFarland. American Civic Association; Mrs. Thomas A. McGoldrick, International Federation of Catholic Alumnae; Charles A. McMahon, Nat'l Catholic Welfare Conference; Dr. C. R. Mann. War Dept. Civilian Advisory Board ; Mrs. Benjamin Marshall, Young Women's Hebrew Association; Edward J. O'Connor, National Council of Catholic Men ; Miss Margaret C. Maule, The Girl's Friendly Society in America; S. Stanwood Menken. The Nat'l Security League; John F. Moore, The International Committee of the Y. M. C. A.; Dr. John R. Mott. The International Committee of the Y. M. C. A.; Frank Clayton Myers, N. Y. Child Welfare Committee; Col. Edward J. Parker, The Salvation Army; E. H. Paul, Young Men's Hebrew Association; C. R. Preston, National Florence Crittenton Assn.; Commander John R. Quinn. American Legion ; Mrs. A. H. Reeve. National Congress of Parents and Teachers; Miss Agnes C. Regan, Nat'l Council of Catholic Women : Mrs. David Ross, National Council of Women : George H. Sherwood, American Museum of Natural History ; Mrs. Robert E. Speer. National Board of the Young Women's Christian Associations ; Mrs. Harry Sternberger, The Council of Jewish Women; Arthur Tomalin, American Child Health Association; Miss Marie A. Toye, International Federation of Catholic Alumnae ; Robert Van Iderstine, N. Y. Child Welfare Committee; Mrs. Coffin Van Rensselaer, National Civic Federation : James E. West. Boy Scouts of America; Winsor B. Williams, American Legion. SOCIETY OF M. P. ENGINEERS Officers: L. A Tones. President, 343 State St., Rochester, N. Y. ; L. C. Porter, Past Presi dent. 5th and Sussex Sts., Harrison N. T. ; A. F Victor. Vice-President. 50 W. 67th St., N. Y. C. ; P. M. Abbott, Vice-President, 729 7th Ave., N. Y. C. ; J. A. Summers. Secretary. 5th and Sussex Sts, Harrison. N. J.; A. C Roebuck. Treasurer, 564 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Til. Board of Governors: L. A. Jones; L. C. Porter; J. A. Summers; A. C. Roebuck; A. B. Hitchins. 125 W 43rd St., N. Y. C. ; J. H. McNabb, 1801 Larchmont Ave.. Chicago, 111.; J. C Kroesen, 5th and Sussex Sts., Harrison. N. T. : V. F. Ren wick, Parlin, N. J.; J. A. Ball, 1006 North Cole Ave, Hollywood, Cal. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS Jos. N. Weber, pres., 110 112 W. Fortieth St.. New York City. Win T. Kerngood, secy., 239 Halsey St., Newark, n: j. 590