The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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time a conference for those out-of-town delegates. As this goes to press, therefore, arrangements are being made for a limited Better Films Conference to be held at the Waldorf-Astoria, N. Y., ajnuary 1 5th1 7th, 1925, preceding the Annual Luncheon of the National Board on the latter date. At the business sessions, January 16th, plans will be discussed for unifying the methods of better films committees and for the establishment of a uniform program of activity to be carried on under the National Committee's enlarged plan for both the study of the motion picture and cooperation with exhibitors on behalf of the better films. Publications Important publications in the Better Films Movement are the Better Films Bulletin, published by the Atlanta committee, covering activities in the Southeast, and the publications of the National Committee for Better Films. These are: Photoplay Guide to the Better Films, weekly and monthly, and annually in the form ot a catalog called "Selected Pictures" , and "Film Progress" , monthly. This latter contains a number of departments including description and criticism of the "better films" of feature length, motion picture bibliography, lists and information for churches using films, local notes of better film activities, notes on the educational and non-theatrical field, articles, lists for special occasions such as Christmas, patriotic holidays, Mother"s Day, Arbor Day, Music Week. etc. "Exceptional Photoplays" . issued by The Committee on Exceptional Photoplays of The National Board of Review, is also furnished to Associate and Cooperating members of the National Committee and to anyone else on subscription. In the class with the foregoing, as giving information on a wide range of better films, might also be mentioned Robert E. Sherwood's "The Best Moving Pictures of 1922-23." Personnel of National Committee Associate and Cooperating f subscribing) membership is open to everyone. These members are sent the Committee's publications. Distinguished from these there are. for advisory purposes, a National Counril of the National Committee and a group of "Corresponding Members." The executive board of the National Committee for Better Films, volunteer, elective and not connected with the motion picture industry, is composed of the following members : Wi'ton A. Barrett, Exec. Ses'y.. National Board of Review; Mrs. Henry Clarke. Coe. Honorary President-General, National Society of New England Women: Miss Louise Connolly. Educational Expert, Free Public Library, Newark. N. J. Mrs. Howard S. Cans. President, Federation for Child Study: Mrs. Oliver Harriman, President. Camp Fire Girls of America: Mrs. Leonard L. Hill, President. American Cri terion Society: Rev. Chester C. Marshall. D. D.. Editor Film Lists, Methodi't Episcopal Church: Mrs. Louis Guerineau Mvers, Commissioner of the Manhattan Council of Girl Scouts; Miss Kate Oglebay, Executive Director, Inter-Theatre Arts: Mrs. Miriam Sutro Price. Crairman Executive Committee, Public Education Association: Mrs. Henrv C. Ouinby, President, West End Exchange, New York; Mrs Margaret P. Rae Principal. P. S. No. I, New York Citv. and Chairman. Committee on Oiaracter Education, Society for Experimental Education : Miss Ruth Rich. Editor The "Independent Woman"; Mr«. Marv G. Scho-herg. Civic Secretary. Women's City Club. New York: Dr. Myron T. Scudder. Scudder School for Girls: Rev. Win. B. Tower Dent, of Surveys. Methodist Hoard of Foreign Missions: £eorre T Zchrnn" Director of Motion Picture Bureau. International Committee of Y. M. C. A.s. Dr. William H. Tower is chairman, Mr. Wilton A. Barrett, vice-chairman, and Dr. Myron T. Scudder, treasurer. Principles of Selection Last but not least among the accomplishments of the year is the formulation by the National Committee for Better Films of "Principles of Selec tion for the Photoplay Guide to the Better Films" which is issued by the National Committee. These Principles, which have been evolved, out of the experience of the review committees of the National Board of Review in making their selections for the National Committee lists, constitute the first and only comprehensive and authoritative definition of "what is a better film". While designed primarily as a further guide to these review committees in their work of selection, they are also of significance to the whole Better Films Movement. Heretofore there has been in certain cases a marked disparity of judgment among the various local better films committees as to what specifically are the better films. A study of these Principles should go far to remove such differences of opinion and bring about a more uniform recognition of the better films. They are of importance to the motion picture industry as defining the standards observed by The National Board of Review in the selection of the better films, upon which its emphasis is now placed, just as for so many years the Board's own standards of passage have been recognized as of importance to producers and distributors. The principles follow: 1. Entertainment ilue 2. Theme or idea 3. Plot and story 4. Acting 5. Setting and costuming 6. Photography 7. Subtitles 8. Instructional value 9. Moral effect Better Films Executive Committee (■Affiliated with the National Board of Review) The members of the executive board of the National Committee for Better Films are: Dr. William B. Tower, Chairman; Wilton A. Barrett, Vice-Chairman; Dr. Myron T. Scudder. Treasurer: Alice Belton Evans. Secretary-Editor. Wilton A. Barret. Exec. Secy. National Board of Review ; Mrs. Henry Clarke Coe, Honorary President-General, National Society of New England Women ; Louise Connolly, Educational Expert, Free Public Library. Newark, N. J. ; Mrs. Howard S. Gans, President, Federation for Child Study: Mrs. Oliver Harriman, President. Camp Fire Girls of America ; Mrs. Leonard L. Hill, President. American Criterion Society ; Rev. Chester C. Marshall, D. D.. Editor Film Lists, Methodist Episcopal Church ; Mrs. Louise Guerineau Myers, Commissioner of the Manhattan Council of Girl Scouts: Kate Oglebay. or the Inter-Theater Arts, Tnc. ; Mrs. Miriam Sutro Price, Chairman Executive Committe. Public Education Association: Mrs. Henry C. Quinbv. Pres.. West End Exchange, N. Y. ; Margaret P. Rae. Principal P. S. No. 1. New York City, and Chairman, Committee on Character Education. Society for Experimental Education : Ruth Rich. Editor "The Independent Woman" : Dr. Myron T. Scudder, Scudder School for Girls: Rev. Wm. B. Tower, Dept. of Surveys, Methodist Board of Foreign Missions; George J. Zerrung. Director of Motion Picture Bureau, International Committee of Y. M. C. A. SOME STATISTICS (Continued from l'acre 449) In 1913 thirty-two million lineal feet of film were exported. Tn 1°23 two hundred million feet went into foreign trade and the per cent of American films used abroad is between eighty and ninety. On the other band, four hundred and twenty five foreign pictures were sent here for sale in 1922. Of these only six were sold and exhibited in the United States and of these six only two wore financial successes. 003