The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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Y. M. C. A. Releases These films are available to V. M. C. A.'s, Churches, Industries, Business, Welfare and other Organizations. No rental charge is made. Tie exhibitor must assume transportation charges comply with the regulations on the application blank. Organizations other than V. M. C. A.'s must have their applications countersigned by their local Y. M. C. A. Films marked (*) are available on non-inflammable (slow-burning) stock. All films listed arc of theater standard width. No narrow width funis are available. INDUSTRIALS No 1001, Yours to Command (Electricity) Keels 1; 1002. From Cocoon to Spool, 1 ; *1004, A Pullman Travelogue, 4; 1008 Threads of Conversation, 3; *1012. The Modern Goliath (Excavating Machinery, 1 ; *1014, Meat for Health, 1 ; 1015, The Passing of the Broom (Vacuum Sweeper). 1; * 1 016, Transportation of Grain, 1; *1017. Transportation of Milk, 1; * 1 0 1 8, Transportation of Live Stock, 1; *1 01 9, Transportation of Fruit and Vegetables, 1 ; *1020, Keeping Up the Railroad, 2; *1021, Protecting the Nation's High ways, 1 ; *1022. Building Bituminous Roads, 1 ; *1023, Mixed Asphalt Pavements, 1; *1024, The Story of Alloy (Spring, Steel.) 2: 1025, Romance of Rails and Power, 1 ; *1026, The Girl with the Orange Tarn, 1; *1031, Ten Pounds to the Bushel (Oats), 1; 1036. Story of the "V" Type Eight Cylinder Motor, 4; 1039, Workman's Tools (Diston Saws), 1; 1040. Cement — its manufacture and uses, 1; * 1 04 1 , A Blessing Born in the Agonv of War. 1; 1046, Footprints, 1; 1047, The Adventures of Mazola. 1; *1048, The World's Telephone Workshop, 1 ; (Also available as a 3 reel version) *1049, A Reel of Cable-Reeling, 1 ; 1053. How Uniforms Are Made, 2; 1054, Give a Thought to Music, 1; * 1 05 5, Electricity in the Motor Car, 1; *1056, How the Generator Works and Why the Starting Motor Starts, 2; *1057, One for Two: The Starter-Generator. 1; ; 1058. The Burning Question: Ignition, 2; *1059, Starting, Generating and Ignition. 1; *1060, General Germ's Waterloo, 1; *1061, Heart o' the Wheat (The Story of Macaroni), 2; 1062, Making Linoleum, 1; 1063, It's All in the Shreds (Shredded Wheat), 1 : 1066 Heads Win (Int. Correspondence Schools) 3; *1067, Modern Concrete Road Construction, 1 ; *1068, Built to Endure, 1; •1070, The Lighting Calculator, 1 ; 1074, Scotia— Home of the Redwood, 2; 1075, How Automobiles Are Made, 2: "1076, Fire. 1; *1077. The Keystone (Value of Fire Insurance), 1 ; * 1 078. Happiness — (An Industrial Democracy), 3; *1079. Story of Cotton (Dan River Mills), 2; 1080, The Willys-Knight Motor, 2: *1081. Shreds, 1; *1083 Story of a Motor Truck, 3; *1C'85, The A B C of Fish Cookerv. 1 ; 1087, Right on the Tob (The Four-Wheel Brake), 1: *1088, Working for Dear Life, 1; *1092, Inside Out (Digestion), 1; 1093. The Storv of Evaporated Milk, 1; 1094, Through Life's Windows. 1: 1097. A Trip Through Dairyland. 1; *1105. The Story of the Orange, 1; 1109. Lure of Historic Lake Erie, 2: 1117, The Cleveland Tractor. 1: 1120, The Winning Shot, 2; 1122, Making Telephones inTokio. 1; *1123, The Go-Getter (A Romance on the Farm), 4; 1124, Keeping Fit. (Industrial family at play). 1; 1125, Petroleum — From Well to Consumer, 4; * 1 1 29 . Brushin' Up (Paint and Varnish), 2; 1130. National Reviews, parts 1 to 9. (each-1); 1137. Clothes and the Girl. 1; 1138, Trip Through Roosevelt's Country with His Friends, 2; 1141. The Menace (Fire Hazards), 2: *1142. The Golden Eaglet, 2; 1143, Starting and Lighting (Diagrammatic action of the gasoline engine). 2; 1144. First Aid in the Home, 1; 1147. Automobile Ignition, 2; * 1 1 49, Dynamite at Work, 1; * 1 150 Story of Bakelite, 2; 1153. The Storv of a Stick I Lumber) , 1; 1154, The Texas Trail to Your Table (Meat packing). 2; 1155, Why a Magneto?. 2; *11S6. Snirit of Progress (Nat'l Acme Co.). 2: "1158, Building Gridley Automatics (Nat'l Acme Co.), 2; 1159, Circulation of the Blood, 1; 1161, The Boy Scout and His Uniform, 1; 1162, The Story of Rope, 5; 1163, Solely a Matter of Soles (A shoe comedy), 1; 1164, The Legend of Corn (Story of Hiawatha, 1; 1167, Milk, 1; 1169, The Serpent's Tooth (Origin of the saw), 1; 1171, The Story of Thirsty Fibre (Paper Towels), 1; 1172, Straight Goods (Silverware), 1; 1175, The Golden Circle, (Wedding rings), 2; 1179, Prosperity (Wilkcs-Barre, Pa.), 1; 1180, Sugar Refining, 2; '1182, The Man at the Throttle, 1: 1183, The Olympic (Steamship), 1; "1184, Matching the Tone (Radio), 2; 1190, The Adventures of Keenan Sharpe (Safety razor comedy), 1; 1192, Nature's Frozen Credits (Hydro-electric Plant), 3; 1193, For the Good of the Commonwealth (Steel), 4; 1195, Saving Coal at Home (Conversation of Heat), 1; *1197, Terra Cotta. 2; 1198, The Love Belt (Industrial romance, the tanning industry), 1; 1199, The Romance of Glass (Origin of glass and manufacture of fruit jars), 1; 1200, Linking the Three Americas, (Ocean telegraph), 1 ; 1202, The Green Cabinet (A systematic romance), 2; *1203, The Diary of a Boy Scout, 1 ; 1204. The House That Price Built, (Making clothing). 1; *1206, From Tree to Home, (Lumber), 2; 1207, Instruments of Speech, 3; 1208, Voice Highways, 2; 1209, Cedar Camps in, 1 ; 1210, Concerning Crossarms, 1 ; 1214, A Grand Spread (Making nut butter), 1; 1215, Back of the Button (Electric Light), 1; 1218, Good Teeth— Good Health, 2; *1219„ Making Rust Resisting Iron, 2; 1220, From Cotton Seed to Gingham, 3; 1221, The Woolen Industry, 2 ; 1222, Sidelights of the Amoskeag Plant, 1 ; 1223, Chicks (Dav-old chick industry), 1: "1224, From Hemp to Hawsers, 2; 1228, The Spirit of the Birch, 1 ; * 1232, Oxygen the Wonder Worker, 4; *1233, How Dreams Come True (Cycle Trades), 1; 1234, The Rice Industrv, 1; 1236, Story of a Watch. 3; 1237, Story of Virgin Wool, 1; 1238, Twenty Centuries of Shorthand, 1; *1239, The Making of a Book, 3; 1240, The Birth of a Hat, 1; *1241, The Story of Compressed Air, 3; 1242, Making Telephone History. 1; 1243, From Calves to Kiddies (Shoes), 1; *1244, The Danger that Never Sleeps (Fire prevention), 1 ; 1246, Our National Dessert (Ice Cream), 1; 1247, Pillars of the Sky (Forestry), 1; 1248, Land of the White Cedar, 1 ; 1249, Western Cedar Trails, 1 ; *1252, The Valley of Fair Play, (Endicott, N. Y.) 2; *1253, Leather. 2; *1254, Shoes (33 million pair a year!), 2; *1255. Romance of an American Soft Drink. 1; 1257, Ore Pits to Billets, 1; 1258, Rails and Plates, 1 ; 1259. Wire and Wire Products, 1: 1260, Pipes and Tubes. 1; 1261. Tin Plate, 1; 1262, The Human Side of Steel Making, 1; *1263. A Miracle in Typewriters. 1 : 1264. A Perfect Day at Wildwood, 1 ; 1266, Sanitation at Home and on the Farm. 1 ; *1268, Origin and Development of Handwriting. 1 ; * 1272, Water by Wire, 1; *1273. Dates from the Garden of Eden, 2; *1274, A Trip to Mt. Tom, 1; *1276, From Tropic Isles. 1 ; 1277. Putting Your Uncle to Work. 1 ; •1278, Mfg. and Hanging of Wall Paper, 2; *1279, In the Historic Mohawk Vallev, 1 : 1280. The Radio Telephone. 2: "1281, This is the Life (Cunard Line). 3; *1282, Yours for Health, 2; 1283. Teaming Un for First Aid, 2; *1284. The Miracle on Your Table. (Salmon Industry), 2; *1285, Jewels of Industry (Abrasives), 2; * 1 286. Romance of a Window. 1 ; *1287, Storv Your Ink Bottle Tells. 1; *1288, World's Records (Carbon paper). 1; *1289, The Burning Question (Coal). 2: *1290, The Lone Asian Traveler (Cheese). 1; *1291, Pure New Wool— and Scottish. 1; *1292, The Country Cousin. 1; 1239, Oberlm College, 1 ; 1294, From Forest to Fireside, 1 : *1295, Story of a Silk Stocking, 1 ; 1296. Carpeting a Century. 2: *1297, Marine Cable Laying, 2; *1298, Land Cable Service, 2. EDUCATIONAL Xo 2002, Stacking Raw Hides', reels. 1. 2010, The Olive Industry, 1; 202.1, Making Cut Glass, 2; 604