The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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T O. of Canada; L C Brady, Vice-President 0f tin M. P. T. O. of Canada; Maurice West. Secretary of the SI. P. T O of Canada; A. Sper dakos. Treasurer. M. P. T. O. of Canada. Manitoba Helmer Jejnberg, The Province Winnipeg, president ; W. Law, manager for Universal, vicepresident representing exchanges; R. Kershaw, secretary . Ontario J. C. Brady, President; Aid. Summerville, Vice President; J. C. Cohen, Treasurer; Ray Lewis, Secretary. Board of Directors: George Lester; Harry Alexander; S. Lent; Adam Baillie; Harry Ginsler; J Boyd; W. H. McMullan of Castle Theater. Cluelph. COLORADO President, H. E. Huffman, 1050 W. Colfax St., Colorado; Harry T. Nolan, Denver, first vice-president ; C. E. Marguand, Loveland, second vice-president; F. W. Bronte, Yuma, third vice-president ; Max Schaback, treasurer ; and Charles Gillan, Secretary. CONNECTICUT M. P. T. O. of Conn. :J. Walsh, President, c / o Kialto Theater, Hartford. DELAWARE See Pennsylvania . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA H. M Crandall, Knickerbocker Theater, Wash ington. President. ILLINOIS President, Charles Nathan, Peoria; A. Haper stein, Chicago, vice-president; L. H. Frank, Moline, secetrary ; M. Siefel, Chicago, treasurer. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS See Missouri INDIANA . President, Frank Heller, Victory Theater, Kokomo. Frank J. Rt mbusch, chairman of the Board of I directors. IOWA Iowa Theater Owners Asso. B. T. Van Dyke, President. Royal Theater. Home Address, 1440 6th Ave., Des Moines. KANSAS See Missouri. MARYLAND Frank Durkee. Baltimore, president. MASSACHUSETTS M. P. T (). of A.. 106 Broadway. Boston. President, J. Lourie; Vice-President, M. Silver; Executive Chairman. Ernest Horstman. Allied Theaters of Massachusetts. Pres., Robert G. Larsen, Keith's Theater: Vice-Pres., Geo. A. Giles; Sec. & Treas., Richard W. Drown. MICHIGAN Officers: President. G. A. Cross, Battle Creek; Vice-Pres.. A. J. KJiest, Pontiac ; Secretary, H. T. Hall; Treasurer, John Niebes; General Manager, H. M. Richey Budget Committee: James C Ritter. Chairman; Blair McElroy; H. T. Hall; Fred DeLod der ; A. J. Kleist. Constitution and By-Laws Committee: W. S. McLaren. Chairman; J. E. Niebes; E. S. Brewer; Vernon Locey Ways and Means Committee: Blair McElroy. Chairman; W. S. Butterfield : Ed. Kirchner; Claude Cady ; Gelen Cross. Association Activities : Charles Carlisle. Chairman; Sam Ackerjman; G. L. Wilier; P. C. Schram. MINNESOTA M. P. T. O. of the Northwest. W. A. Steffes, President, 324 Kasota Building, Minneapolis; Theodore Hays, vice-president ; Clyde Hitchcock secretary; Henry Green, treasurer. MISSOURI Eastern Missouri and Southern Illin-iis President, I. W Rodgers, Poplar Blftflf, Mo.; John F. Rees. WelNville. Mo., first vice-president : W. W. Watts, Springfield, Til. ; second vice president; Charles G. Goodnight, DeSoto, Mo., third vice-president; J. C. Hewitt, Robinson, 111.; fourth vice-president ; K. E. Yemm, Duquoin. III., fifth vice-president ; L. C. Hehl, 3242 South Jef ferson Ave., St. Louis, Secretary; Fred Wehrenberg, treasurer; W O. Reeves of St. Louis, sergeant-at-arms. Motion Picture Exhibitors League of St. Louis, Joseph Mogler, President, 3308 Olive St. Western Missouri and Kansas _ President. R. R. Biechele, 128 W. 18th St., Kansas City. Directors : Charles Sears, Nevada ; W. P. Cuff. Chillicothe ; S. E. Wilhoit, Springfield; R. Finklestein, Kansas City; Jay Means, Kansas City; Jack Truitt, Sedalia, and Hugh Gardner, Neosho. Kansas City M. P. T. O. of K. C, Mo., <\. Eisner, Pres., 128 W. 18th St. MONTANA M . P. T. (). A.— F. A. Boedecker, President, Bozeman; E. P. White, Secy.; Livingston, vicepresident; Gene O'Kcefe, Billings. Board of directors: Merle Davis, Butte; Connie Eckhart, Helena; Edward Lake, Baker, and W. B. Hartwig. Dillon. NEW HAMPSHIRE M. P. T. O. A. — Pres., Michael White, Orpheum Theater, Dover. NEW JERSEY Officers: President, Joseph Seider ; Vice-Presidents, Charles Hildinger and Peter Adams; Secretary, Henry P. Nelson; Treasurer, William Keegan ; Directors, Peter F. Woodhull, Sidney Samuelson, Louis Rosenthal. Benjamin Schindler, Arthur I!. Smith and I. N. Hishblond. Committee of Arbitration: Peter F. Woodhull, Louis Rosenthal, Peter Adams. Board of Directors : Sidney Samuelson, Newton, N. J., Chairman. NEW YORK New York City Theater Owners' Chamber of Commerce, Charles L. O'Reilly, president; Charles Steiner, 1st vice-president; Joseph Jame, 2nd vice-president; Sam Moross, secretary and Sam Schwartz, treas urer. Directors: Sol Brill, Hy Gainsboro, Arthur Hirsch, John Manheimer, Joseph Stern, Sol Raives, William Landau, Lee Ochs and Hyman Rach. Buffalo M. P. T. O. of N .Y., (Buffalo Zone) Jules Michael, Chairman of Executive Committee. New York (State) Officers: Walter Hays, Buffalo, president; Meyer Schine, Gloversville. president of the Albany zone; Uly S. Hill, of the Mark Strand, Albany, treasurtr. These two and the following comprise the hoarrl of directors: Louis Buettner, Cohoes ; W. W. Farley, Albany and Schenectady: li. Apple, Troy; William Benton. Saratoga Springs and Ray Candlee, Syracuse. NEBRASKA President, C. E. Williams, 1508 Davenport St., Omaha; H. F. Kennedy, Broken Bow, vice presi dent; J. E. Kirk, Omaha, secretary; George H McArdle, Omaha, treasurer. Executive Committee : H. F. Kennedy, Broken Bow, Neb.; Blaine Cook, Beatrice, Neb.; J. C. Jenkins. Neligh, Neb.; H. A Larson, Oakland, Neb.; W. H. Creal, Omaha; A. Burrus, Crete, Neb.; J. E. Schoonover, Aurora, Neb.; R. B. Thomas, Fremont, Neb. ; William Hawley, North Platte, Neb.; W. H. Ostenburgh ; Scotts Bluff Neb.; Charles Prokop, Wahoo, Neb.; Elmer E. Gailey, Wayne, Neb. ; R. W. Small, Wymore, Neb.; Lou Ileal. Superior. Neb.; W. A. Bowker, Onawa, la.; B. B. Holdrege, Shenandoah, la.; P. A. Schlumberger, Denison, la.; Max Dreike. ( !faerokee, NEW MEXICO See Arizona. NORTH CAROLINA M I*. T. O.. H. B Varner, Lexington, presi dent. Executive Committee: C. A. Turnage, Wash ington; P. L. McCabe, Tarboro ; H. R. Mason. 611