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The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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Goldsboro; S. S. Stevenson, Henderson; G. C. Gammon, Lcaksvillc; I). M Bain, Wilmington; M . H. French, Rockingham;' C. L. Welch, Salisbury; K. D. ('raver, Charlotte; C. R. Bamford, Asheville; M. S. Hill, Charlotte; Percy Wells, Wilmington. OHIO M. P. T. O. of Ohio., 519 Main St., Toledo. President. William James, Columbus; vice-president at large, J, J. Harwood, Cleveland; vicepresidents, J. A Ackerman, Cincinnati and George K. Moore. Itucyrus; treasurer, Martin G. Smith, Toledo; secretary, C. M. Taylor, Columbus; executive committee. H. V. Smoots, Mount Vernon; Henry Meiberson, Jr., Delaware; C. Levine, Cleveland; A. G. Hettensheimer, Cincinnati; C. H. Brown, Zanesville; A. C. Himmelien, Sandusky. Akron Theater Owners' Ass'n. Officers: Ike Friedman, Akron Theater Co., president; Charles Menches. Liberty, vice-president; F. C. Buben, Palace, treasurer; Albeit Ploenes, Orpheum, secretary, and L. J. Callinan, assistant secretary. Trustees: James P. Dunlevy, Strand; C. W. Belden, Thornton, and Allen Simmon. Cincinnati The Gre-iter Cincinnati Motion Picture Exhibitors Co., President, J. A. Ackerman, 1047 Academy Ave., Cincinnati. Cleveland The Cleveland M. P. Exhibitors Assoc., O. E. Belles, Pres dent, 1022 Lakeview Road, Paul Gus danovic, vice-president ; Martin Printz, treasurer, Martin Brown, secretary. OKLAHOMA Officers: A. B. Momand, Shawnee, president; F B. Pickrel, vice president, Ponca City ; L. W. Brophy, secretary. Muskogee; Robert D. Hutchinson, treasurer, Oklahoma City. Directors: Foster McSwain, Ada; F. A. Jackson, Jr., Pawhuska ; Morris Loewenstein, Oklahoma City, and J. H. Moulder, Sapulpa. OREGON There is no such organized body, but there is the Motion Picture League of Oregon which consists of both exchange and exhibitor men. This organization meets the first and third Thursdays of each month at luncheon. C. S. Jensen, Liberty Theater, Portland, is president PENNSYLVANIA Eastern Exhibitor M. P. T. O. of Eastern Pa., South em New Jersey and Delaware. H. J. Schad, Colonial Theater, Reading, Pa., president ; Secretary, George P. Aarons, 261 N. 13th St., Philadelphia. Western M. P. T. O. of Western Pennsylvania. D. A. Harris, Davis Theater Big.. Smithfield St., Pitts brugh, president. Office of the M. P. T. O. is located in the Washington Trust Building, Fifth Ave. and Washington St Others Officers : Vice-President, M. Rosenbloom ; Secretary. Fred J. Herrington ; Treasurer, Ben. N. Adler, Ambridge. Board of Managers: M. A. Rosenberg, H. B. Kester, N. Friedberg and John Newman. RHODE ISLAND M. P. T. O., Pres. Ed Fay, Fay's Theater, Providence. TEXAS M. P. T. O. of Texas. 2006 Jackson St., Dallas. H G. McNeese, Exec. Secy.; H. A. Cole, Grand Theater, Marshall, President ; E. L. Bayr. Lyric Theater, Terrell, Secy. ; C. W. Batsell, Washington Theater. Sherman, Vice-Pres. ; J. A. Holton, Holton Theater, Port Arthur, Vice-Pres. Board of Directors: W. R. (Billy) Fairman, Bryan ; H. Mulkey, Clarendon ; H H. Hoke. Taylor; H. T. Hodge. Abilene; W. A:. Stuckert. Brenham ; Henry S. Ford, Wichita Falls; H. H. Starcke, Seguin ; John Paxton, Paris. UTAH M. P. T. O. A. F. C. Knotts, President, American Theater, Pa'k City; Ray Sutton, Secretary, Strand Theater, Provo. VIRGINIA E. T. Craal, Newport News, president ; T. Weinberg, Lexington, vice-president ; Harry Bernstein. Richmond, secretary -treasurer. Jake Wells, Richmond and F. W. Twyman, Charlottsville, directors. WASHINGTON John Hanirick. Blue Mouse, Seattle, president ; H. W. Bruen, Ridgemont. Seattle, lirst vice-president; Frank Edwards, Winter Garden. Seattle, second vice-nrcsident ; I. M Hone, secretary, 1929 Third Ave., Seattle. WISCONSIN President, FVed Seegart, Milwaukee; F. J. McWilliams, Madison, vice-president; E. Langemack, Milwaukee, treasurer; Earl Rice, recording secretary ; Steve Bauer, Milwaukee, sergeant at arms. Executive Committee: F. E. Wolcott, Racine. Arbitration Committee: K. Van Norman, George Bauch, H. Perlowitz, Max Krofta and liugene Plielan, all of Milwaukee. CO-OPERATE IN SAVING PRINTS The Des Moines Film Exchange Board of Trade and the Des Moines Operators Local Union No. 286 planned to cut down the damage done to hi ms. With each box of film, from one reel on up, there is packed a pink slip as follows: "IMPORTANT! "Date "This film thoroughly inspected and is now in good physical condition. "Inspected by "Any complaints as to physical condition must be made immediately upon receipt, as theatre owner will be held fully responsible for any and all damage after exhibition date, and collection will be made for the full amount of any damage to this print. "OPERATORS— ATTENTION ! "This film is now free from punch marks or any other mutilations used by operators to denote reel ending. Any markings of any kind found in this film after its return to the Exchange from your theatre, the operator and the theatre will be held fully responsible and subject to the fine and penaltic, impored by the Onerators' Local and Film Exchange Board of Trade. The white leader placed at the end of each reel is to be used as your reel ending warning. Do not remove same under any circumstances "DES MOINES FILM EXCHANGE BOARD OF TRADE "ENDORSE Tty D^S MOTNES OPERATORS' LOCAL UNION NO. 286" The operator can thereby rea'ize that he can rvoid a world of grief by handling the film carefully. This little notice also acts the other way. No film exchange can send out poor film when accompanied by such a ,ctatement. This plan put into effect by A. W. Kahn of the Educational Exchange of Des Moines, has been in operation in Los Angeles for some time. M. J. O'TOOLE'S BROCHURE Writing when he was Chairman of the Public Service Department of the M. P. T. O. A., M. J. O'Toole. pre-ent president of the exhibitor orirani z.->tion, pub'i^hed a pamphlet of 4° pages on How to Build Up and Protect fhe Business of the Motion Picture Theater. The es-ence of the work embodies the rela*;ons of the motion picture theater service to the nation, state, city, and general community advantage. Starting with a discourse on the similarity between the screen and the press the author goes on to emphasize the importance of the independent theater as the bulwark of the industry. Chanters on organization for theater owners, the use of the sc-een as an economic stabilizer, and its significant influence on the moulding of the character of the youth of the land occupy much of the author's attention, who attacks the problems from the clear, practical viewpoint of the operating exhibitor. 612