The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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with the LacledeChristy Clay Products Co. It shows the mining of the raw fireclay, the mixing, molding, pressing, laboratory examination, fusion tests for determining abiltiy to withstand high temperatures and the actual burning of fireclay refractories in kilns in temperatures ranging up to 2400 degrees F. Numerous uses of fire-clay refractories in glass-making and in other industries are de picted. 98 The World's Struggle for Oil — 7 reels. This picture was produced m co-operation with the Sinclair Consolidated Oil Corp. and portrays graphically the oil industry from early Biblical times up to the present day. In addition to staging many of the early Biblical scenes, many of the great od fields and refineries were visited during its production and a replica of the complete operation of America's first oil wel! is shown, 99. ^Ihe Story of Gasoline — 3 reels. Made in co-operation with the Standard Oil Co. ot Indiana, and tells in a complete manner the story of the gasoline industry from the production of the crude oil to the finished product Much animated photography is shown which explains clearly the methods used in the manufacture of this indispensable product. 100. The Story of a Storage Battery — 2 reels. Willard Storage Battery Co. 101. The Story of Portland Cement — 1 reel, Portland Cement Asso. 102. The Story of Heat Treatment of Steel— 2 reels. Hupp Motor Car Corp. 1 0.1. When A Man's A Miner — 4 reel, Peabody Coal Co. 104. Live and Let Live — 3 reels. Humble Oil & Refining Co. ; Gulf Production Co. ; Magnolia Petroleum Co. IN PROCESS OF PRODUCTION Safety or Sorrow— Mid-Continent Oil & Gas Association. Story of a Spark Plug — Champion Spark Plug Co. Story of Our National Parks — White Co. Play Safe — -General Motors Corp. A. M. P. A. A. M. Botsford, President, Charles W. Barrel, Vice-President. Walter Eberhardt, Secretary Glendon Allvine, Treasurer. Board of Directors: A. M. Botsford, Charles Barrel!. Walter Eberhardt, Glendon Allvine, Charles Einfeld, J. Irving Greene. Eon Young, Edward McNamee, James Loughbrough. Membership List (All addresses New York City, except as otherwise stated.) Bert Adler, 60S W 152nd St.; Glendon All vine, Famous Players-Lasky Corp., 485 5th Ave. ; R-chard Anderson, International News Reel Corp., 1600 Bway. ; Ben H. Atwell, Hotel Princeton, 116 W. 45th St. Dave Bader, 723 7th Ave.; Fred Baer. 1441 Bway. ; Leon T Bamberger, Famous PlaversLasky, 485 5th Ave. ; J. L. Barnard. 2305 Sedg wick Ave.; Charles W. Barrell, 120 West 41st St.; Henry Clay Bate, Universal. 1600 Bwav. ; Victor Beals. 31 E. 30th St.; Jerome Beatty. LTniversal, 1600 Bway.; Harold L. Beecroft. First Natl., 729 7th Ave.; Ralph Block, Famous Players, 485 Fifth Ave. ; Eddie Bonns, Metro-Goldwyn, 1540 B way . ; A. M Botsford, Famous Players, A M. Brilant, Friars Club, 110 W. 48th St.; Edgar O Brooks. Pathe, 35 W. 45th St. ; Colvin Brown, Thomas H. Ince, 565 5th Ave. ; Southard Brown, 364 Lenox Ave. Milton Chamberlain, Plaza Theater. 59th St. ; C. F. Chandler. First National. 383 Madison Ave; J. Donald Cobb. Universal, 1600 Bway.; Herbert Crooker, 144 W. 72nd St. Ben Davis. Schine Theatrical Co., Gloversville, N. Y.; J. Charles Davis, 2nd. J. T. Fleming Prod.. 723 7th Ave ; Lynde Denig, First Natl.. 383 Madison Ave.; Howard Dietz, Metro-Goldwyn, 1540 Bway. Walter Eberhardt. First Natl., 383 Madison Ave.; S. Charles Einfeld, First Natl., 383 Madison Ave. John C. Flinn, Prod Dist. Corp.. 469 5th Ave. ; Jack Fuld, 409 W. 129th St. G. De Grandcourt. 39 E. 10 th St.; George B. Gallup, Ji., First Natl, 383 Madison Ave.; James J. Geller, Geller & Frohlich, Times Bldg. ; ?• R Geyer, Famous Players, 485 5th Ave.; J. Gourlay, First Natl., 383 Madison Ave.; Harry L Graf, 43 W. 8th St.; J. Greene, Pathe, 35 W. 45th St.; Karoly Grosz, 1890 Andrews Ave.; Lambert Guenther. 14 E. 44th St.; Paul Gulick, Universal, 1600 Bway. Will Hays, 465 5th Ave.; Wallace Ham, Vitagraph, East 15th St., Bklvn. ; Hopp Hadley, 264 W. 47th St.; Well Hawks. 140 W. 42nd St • B. Herz, Cafe Blvd., 124 W. 41st St. ; Russell Holman, Famous Players, 485 5th Ave. ; Ned Holmes, Sherman Square Hotel ; Harold C Howe, 1608 Times Bldg. Arthur James, 19 W. 10th St.; J. M. Jerauld, Famous Players, 485 5th Ave.; Horace Judge, First Natl Pictures, London. Edward Klein, 25 W. 43rd St.; Paul Kohmer. Universal, 1600 Bway.; Jacques Kopfsteins, 601 W. 180th St.; John W. Kraft, Fox, 10th Ave. and 55th St. Marc Lachman, Louis B. Mayer, 1540 Bway.; Paul N. Lazarus, c / o gather Gate Book Store, 2235 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley, Calif. ; Arthur Leslie, 140 W. 69th St.; Louis Levenson, 139 Haven Ave. ; Harry Lewis, Pathe, 35 W. 45th St. ; Randolph Lewis, Hotel York ; Theodore Liebler, Jr., Riverside, Conn.; Philip Lonergan, Elks Club, W. 43rd St.; Robert Edgar Long, 1482 Bway.; Tames Loughbrough, Newspaper Club. 133 W. 41st St. Ned Marin. Universal, 1600 Bway.; Edw. P. McNamee, First Natl. Pict., 729 7th Ave. ; Charles McCarthy, Famous Players, 485 5th Ave. ; John E. D. Meador, Metro, 1540 Broadway. L. H. Mitchell, First Natl., 383 Madison Ave. ; Vivian Moses, Fox. 10th Ave and 55th St.; Charles E. Moyer. United Artists, 729 7th Ave. ; W. E. Mulligan, First Natl., 383 Madison Ave. Rutgers Neilson. 145 W. 12th St. S. D. Palmer, Famous Players, 484 5th Ave. ; P. A. Parsons. Pathe, 35 W. 45th St. ; Tames G. Peede, Richard Walton Tully Prods., 1482 Bway. ; Paul E. Perez, 167 Wardour St., London, Eng.; Bert. B. Perkins. Metro, 1540 Bway.; C. C. Pettijohn, 522 5th Ave.; Hal Phyfe, Rye, N. Y. ; Burr Price, Distinctive Pictures, 366 Madison Ave. H. L. Reichenbach, Famous Players, 485 5th Ave. ; A. S. Rittenberg, Fulton Theater, Jersey Tity, N. J.; Allan D. Rock, 15 W. 44th St.; Nat Rothstein, Film Booking Offices, 723 7th Ave. : Morris Ryskind. Rialto Theater Fred Schaefer, United Artists. 729 7th Ave. ; Silas F. Seadler, Metro-Goldwyn, 1540 Bway.; Selig. 529 W. 150th St.; Victor Shapiro, Sam uel Goldwyn, 383 Madison Ave. ; Mel Shauer, Famous Players, 485 5th Ave. ; Ernest Shipman. 565 5th Ave.; Julian M. Solomon. 601 W. 184th St.; Edward Supple. Pathe. 35 W. 45th St. M. A. Taylor. First Natl., 383 Madison Ave. ; Vincent Trotta. Famous Players, 485 5th Ave. Gordon White. Educational, 370 7th Ave. ; Tom Wiley, National Photographers, 719 7th Ave C. L. Yearsley, Ritz-Carlton Pictures, 6 W. 48th St.; L. A. Young; Paul Arthur Yowitz. Fox, 10th Ave. and 55th St. Eugene Zukor, Famous Players, 485 5th Ave. WESTERN MOTION PICTURE ADVERTISERS Officers : Harry D. Wilson. President ; Roy Miller, Vice-President; Tom Engler, Secretary; Robt. S. Doman, Asst. Sec-etarv ; Adam Hull Shirk. Treasurer; Phil Gersdorf, Asst. Treasurer. Board of Directors: Pete Smith, Harry Brand. Arch Reeve. Howard Strickling, Ray Leek. Malcolm S. Boylan, Joseph A. Jackson. Mrmbrrship List Barclay, R. C, Mission Theater; Beall. H. H.. 5528 Santa Monica Blvd.; Beetson. Fred. 6912 Hollywood Blvd.; Bird well, Russe'l j„ 6700 Hollywood Blvd.; Boylan. Malcolm S., 5341 Melrose Ave.; Brand, Harry, 5341 Melrose Ave.; Brown, 639