The film daily year book of motion pictures (1925)

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RUSSIA By Assistant Trade Commissioner Albert Baldwin, Warsaw Motion pictures for Russia are at present secured from Berlin, where Russian purchases are made under the direction of the official Government trade monopoly "Vniehtorg," Russische Hanclelsvertrehtung, Lindenstrasse, 68 Berlin This institution also censors all films destined foi Russia. — January 28, 1924. SI AM By Vice Consul Carl C. Hansen, Bangkok Singapore is the main distributing center of motion picture films for Siam, according to cus tom's entries at the port of Bangkok. Out of a total import from foreign countries of 8,444 kilos of films, valued at 281,050 ticals (1 Heal equals about $0.37) in the fiscal year ended March 21, 1923, Singapore is credited with 6,652 kilos, valued at 253,334 ticals; the United States with 872 kilos, valued at 18,226 ticals; and all other countries with 920 kilos, valued at 9,490 ticals. During the same period, the films re-exported from Bangkok to Singapore, amounting to 292,165 ticals, exceeded the total imports from all countries by 11,115 ticals. The motion picture business in Siam is practically monopolized by one firm which operates nine theaters in Bangkok and several smaller theaters in the Provinces. This firm imports on its own account. No American Motion Picture Agents in Siam There are no American producers or distributors of motion pictures in Siam, but several representatives of American manufacturers of films have, from time to time, visited the Kingdom and have taken pictures and shown them at the local the aters. Motion picture theaters in Bangkok have a weekly attendance of about 50,000 anil the total seating capacity is about 15,000. The 1922-23 census figures for Bangkok were given as 745,640. American Films Popular American photoplays of nearly every description are appreciated and always draw full houses, although certain American screen stars are preferred.—April 28, 1924. SINGAPORE Imports of American films to Singapore for the fiscal year ending March, 1923 amounted to 18,226 ticals or $6,743.62, according to reports of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce in May. Imports from all other countries for the same period amounted to 9,490 ticals or $3,511.30. Total imports for the Kingdom of Siam were 281.050 ticals, or $103,988.50. The business is practically monopolized by one firm which operates nine theaters. SPAIN By Consul Fred C. Slater, Corunna Corunna, with a population of 75,000, has four picture houses varying in capacity from 250 to 1,500 people, giving two entertainments daily in summer and three in winter, with one added on Sundays. As a rule they are well patronized. Prices lange from 0.25 peseta to 1J^ pesetas (the peseta is now worth $0.13). The films come from Barcelona, which seems to be the distributing center from that country for Spain. All man agers say they show only first grade films ; but as Corunna is the most remote from Barcelona, many of them have seen more or less service before reaching the city. After they have been screened for a time they are passed on to the smaller surrounding towns. American pictures have recently declined in favor. Up to about two years ago, 75 per cent of the pictures shown were American, while now they have dropped to 30 per cent. The pictures that take best are those of an historic and roman tic character. — July 21, 1924. Trade Mark David P. Howells, Inc. International Film Distributors 729 Seventh Avenue New York Cable Address: How ellHIm, New York BRANCHES: London Paris Berlin Copenhagen Barcelona Rome (.58