Film Follies (Jun 1922 - Jan 1924)

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“Green as Grass” Is New Comedy Henry Murdock i s being featured in “Green as Grass, now being filmed under Scott Sidney’s direction. This i s Murdock’s second featuring picture, his first being "A Hula Honeymoon,” described elsewhere in this number of Film Follies. The scenes on this page present some of the happy moments from “Be Yourself,” featuring Neal Burns. Good Cheer — With Wholesomeness Is Christie Slogan for Year Thomas A. Edison recently said "The mission of the motion picture is, FIRST, to make people happy, to bring more joy and cheer, and wholesome good will into this world of ours." Edison’s statement is — or should be — the fundamental principle of the motion picture business. It seems in the search for the unusual, the bizarre, the exotic and the gorgeous, sometimes it has been forgotten that pictures are primarily for amusement, for entertainment, for bringing happiness. It has always been the proud privilege of Christie Comedies to bring joy and cheer — with wholesomeness — for without the latter, all the comedy in the world is useless. Christies for 1 923 1 . That Son of a Sheik. 2. Pardon My Glove. 3. Let Er Run. 4. Ocean Swells. 5. Choose Your Weap ons. 6 • Chop Suey. 7. The Chased Bride. 8. In Dutch. 9. Hazel from Holly wood. 1 0. Be Yourself. 1 1 . Second Childhood. 1 2. A Hula Honeymoon. 1 3. Babies Welcome. “Be Yourself” New Comedy Features Burns in Novel Idea Neal Burns is featured in "Be Yourself" photographs of which appear on this page. The comedy is one of Christie’s series that is "different" in theme, the plot taking place in a shirt waist factory where all the working girls are on strike. A1 Christie directed the comedy. Surrounding Burns are Charlotte Merriam, playing the leading lady, Natalie Johnson, Henry Murdock, Lincoln Plumer, Ward Caulfield and others.