Film Fun (1928 - 1942 (assorted issues))

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Tfj No. 12 Beautiful blue white Diamond ' l set in solid 18-k white gold. $50 $1.25 a ••k No?' . 849 * | Gorgeous \ I blue white 1 i Diamond: i i solid 18-k , V white gold rinjp. $100 v *2.50 i Wedding Rings No. 824— The "Elite’ ' solid 18-k gowe . $7.50 Set with 3 Diamonds, $22.50; 5 Diamonds, $32.50; 7 Diamonds, $42.50; 9 Diamonds, $52.50; 12 Diamonds, $67.50. Allplatinum, $25. With 3 Diamond, $50; 5 Dia¬ monds, $70; 7 Diamonds, $80; 9 Diamonds, $100; circled by Diamonds, $200. 17 Jewel Elgin No. II Thin Model White gold filled, 20 year quality case; 12 size; silver di d. assorted patterns, $23.50. $2.35 down and $2.35 a month. _ All makes of Railroad Watches, guaranteed to pass inspection. Credit at Cash Prices. No? , 865 > 7 Man’s ringX fine blue . white Dla . I mond; solid ' 18-k white gold. $50 |$1.25/ V awk./ 9 Values Beyond Your Expecta¬ tion in Worthwhile Gifts! _ A handsome genuine Diamond, or a watch, wrist watch, pearl necklace, L onyx or emblem nng, mesh bag, silk verware, etc., is sure to please. We ’ khave endless assortments of gifts appropriate for everyone. We invite comparison t. SATISFACTION CUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK! SEND FOR FREE CATALOG 09ig 13 2page book 11vl ustrating our Diak mond s. Watches, k Jewelry, Silverk ware and gift w articles for ail .occasions, sent ' No. 881 absolutely Blue white f ree r Diamond ; Tnn«Tvt quisite solid i 18-k white gold ring. HV\ $150 ?^\_^$3.75 • w woek CREDIT TERMS: Pay one-tenth down ; balance | . weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly at your convenience. All goods delivered on first payment. On request we will send any article (NO MONEY DOWN) for your free examination. LOFTIS BROS. & CO. National Jewelers Dept. A .30, to. N. Stat. St., Chicago, III. Store* in Leading Cities— Established 1868 Solid 14-k white gold, 15 Jewels, Gold filled bracelet to match. $35. $3.50 down 53.50 a month. $125 ^ $3.25 a ] wk A PERSONAL REASON ; J The reason that thousands of girls and women on the * stage and in business are* fit every day of the month is — SEEQIT. Discomforts, backache, nausea, cramps, headache and irritability are promptly relieved by swallowing a SEEQIT tablet with a sip of water. SEE¬ QIT is absolutely harmless and effective. No social engagement need ever be missed — SEEQIT tablets will keep you fit all of the time. Doctors give SEEQIT to thousands of girls and women in business organizations. SEEQIT is now packed for individual use, One Dollar postpaid. Obtainable ONLY from Laboratories Jaq, Inc., 119 West 57th St., New York City Send, for Enclosed please find 10c. for sample of SEEQIT. (F. F.) Sample Name . NOW Address . City . An of the famous artists and cartoonists of this count! y are mak¬ ing thousands and thou¬ sands of dollars yearly from lilt ir pens. The) larnet! their suc¬ cess through years of work and tedious search for “the right way." Today, the courses in Cartooning and Illustrat¬ ing of the International School of Art, by showing There is no mystery about CARTONING you the short cuts, will save you years of work and bring success much sooner than if you stumble along alone. These courses will not only teach you how to draw, but will also develop your originality. They are acknowledged to be among the best and most modern courses in Cartooning and Illus¬ trating offered today. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF ART. Division ot the International Correspondence Schools, Dept. 4214-F, Scranton, Pa. Please send me — free — your illustrated booklet which tells how I can succeed as a Cartoonist or Illustrator. Name . Address . A REWARD of 1000 Dollars for bald-headed and thin-haired An elegant growth of beard and hair can be produced when using Comas Hair Balsam during 3 weeks. This balsam causes hair and beard to grow on all bald-headed persons or persons with thin hair. “Comos" is the best product of the modem science of this domain, being the only balsam which really produces hair and beard even on persons of old age. “Comos" brings the dormant Papillae of the hair to grow again after having been used In a few days, and within a very short time you will have a very vigorous growth of hair. Harmlessness is guaranteed; if this is not true, we will pay to all bald-headed and beardless persons, or per¬ sons with thin hair who have used the Comos* Balsam for three weeks without any result. a net amount of 1000 Dollars One parcel of Comos coots $6.—, two parcels cost $10.“Comos" gives to the hair and beard a becoming wave, as well as a soft and delicate texture. “Comos” is sent in a registered package against prepayment — money order, cheque or bank-notes (C. 0. D. impossible). THE COMOS MAGAZINE CO.. COPENHAGEN V. DENMARK. 7. (Europe). gage to the pier from which her boat was to sail. A young, handsome customs of¬ ficer, Irish if I’m not too hasty, took the actress in charge. He had several blanks on a sheet of paper to be filled in, so he started asking Laura the usual questions. “Your name, please?” “Laura La Plante.” “And your address?” “Hollywood, California.” “You are going first-class, I presume?” “I am.” “Your age, please?” “Twenty-one.” The agent stopped and looked toward the pile of newly bought suitcases and bags, then let his eye ramble over Laura’s trim figure. “Darned pretty baggage,” he said. “Oh, thank you, sir,” cried the irrepressible Miss La Plante, “for the compliment. You know, you’re a pretty slick-looking gent your OALLY BLANE, one of Para^ mount’s chief eye soothers, is responsible, more or less, for this little yarn. Sally, you see, is some¬ thing of a child lover; she has a naturally motherly heart — stop us if you’ve heard that one — and she gets a lot of inside info about the heart aches and heart breaks of our very much younger set. One day she went to visit a friend who had a little girl. This youngster was sobbing as if her tender heart would break. “What’s the trouble, sweet¬ heart?” Sally inquired. “You mustn’t cry that way. It’ll make your eyes ugly.” “But the doctor said I had to go to the hospital next week.” “She is going to have her ton¬ sils out,” the mother whispered quickly to Sally. “Oh, that’s all right, dear,” Sally soothed. “Why, dearie, everyone goes to the hospital some time in his life’. It’s an awfully nice place, really it is.” Tjie girl continued her crying. Finally she sobbed, “The hospital may be all right, Sally, but I don’t want a baby. I want a Shet¬ land pony.” Page 52