Film Fun (1928 - 1942 (assorted issues))

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ALTER William — 1 tremble for your virtue. Polly — Oh for goodness shake. So just on general principles Willy’s father got up from his chair and gave William a swift kick in the slats. “You kicked me,” cried Willy, pained and grieved. “Indeed I did,” answered his father, for he had broken two of his perfectly good toes. “And after I came in to ask you about Life, too.” “What was it you wanted to know?” said papa, holding onto his foot. “Well, ever since I got out of college I’ve wondered what those things are people keep talking about.” “What things?” “Kisses,” answered Willy blushingly. His father stood up. Then he sat right down again, saying, “Ouch.” He added, “You mean to say nobody has ever told you about Life? You come with me, young man.” So saying, he led his son into the next room. ( Continued on page 63) Bill — Hey, what’s eatin’ you? Polly — You, damn you. TOSED BY POLLY MORAN. FEATURED PLAYER , AND WILLIAM HAINES, STAR, IN METKO-GOLDWYNMAYER PICTURES. Page 15