Film Fun (1928 - 1942 (assorted issues))

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First Sea Gull — Did you know that big fellow strutting in the bow of the ship is the captain? Next Sea Gull — Sure, I spotted him right away. Song T’D love to crown my love with bays, A victor’s crown of dazzling rays; And then again, some other days, I’d simply love to crown him. I’d love to drown my love in kisses, To steep him deep in sundry blisses; And some days ( such a day as this is) I’d simply love to drown him. Page 16 \NSVE SlOrP AS NICE a bpy as you ever hope to mit is our own dapper Bill Powell who sped eastward recently and settled down for a William few days at that modest Powell little family hotel in New Yoik, the Ambas¬ sador. We dropped in to see this idol of the queens and came away with a warm glow caused not en¬ tirely by the swell tall spheroid (high ball, Oscar) such as New Yorkers swallow in their fathers’ footsteps. Bill is clever, quick on the comeback, as suave as you imagine him, con¬ fident without being conceited, and all in all a darned good egg, not in any way as hardboiled as some of his pictures have led you to believe. In fact, we brought him the caricature which appeared within these pages several months ago and which seemed to indicate that he’s a wicked old meanie. He wrote on the picture “Cordially — and not this bad, hon¬ est!” Bill Powell, it appears, is to be seen hereafter in sympathetic roles without any emphasis on the symp. We’re all sitting around waiting for the first showing of “The Canary Murder Case” in which Bill plays the part of the high-hat detective, Philo Vance. It seems very possible that Paramount will continue this series with Bill playing the 1929 Sherlock. And by the way, guys, our hero was clad in a blue dressing gown which, he was told by a lassie who’s in the know, is the type worn by a married woman in Japan. Tsk. Tsk. Incidentally, nobody can blow smoke through his nose the way Bill Powell does. We bet he sings it, “Exhale, exhale, the gang’s all here.” Whoops ! VOU OUGHT to have saw Lily 1 Damita prancing about the stage during personal appearances in con¬ nection with her first imLily portant role in “The ResDamita cue,” in which she’s the leading-on woman for Ronald Colman. Lily has plenty dash, pep, and poisonality. You never saw a girl move faster and we’ll bet she’s always the laugh of the party. However, considering that she sang “Madelon” and talked with a French accent, we’re more con¬ vinced than ever that she’s a li’l Ger¬ man gal trying to be international. A certain well-known N. Y. column¬ ist notes that she’s to be seen around these parts with a guy who’s working on one of the ritzy monthly mags. Our only complaint about Missy Damita’s personal appearances is that some tricky press agent was making the mistake of gilding the Lily. Didja like that one? I_TEY, YOU gossip-mad hobos, get A your minds working on this one. It seems, according to the personal report of a visitor Foursome from Hollywood, that the very newest couple that’s fit to be tied, is Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon. Do you re¬ member our big drawing some months ago titled “Hollywood Ac¬ cording to Some One Who’s Never Been There” (or something like that) in which we showed Bebe Daniels in the Lyon’s den? Well, if we ain’t the prophets. Anyway, the low down is this. Bebe and Ben are gonna be wed. Well, it seems they allege that when Jack Pickford was married to Marilyn Miller he was all agog about Bebe and planning to marry her when the divorce became final. What’s more, it is said that Ben was that-a-way about Marilyn and was also plotting to choose his parson. Now all that remains is that Jack and Marilyn take the step again — and everything will be com¬ pletely mixed up. Anyway, our in¬ formant suggested that they’ll all have lots to tell each other. And that ain’t no libel. /^\NE OF the biggest scares of the last month or so was the rumor which sped around that the kid, _ Davie Lee, who won a David place in the hea,rt of everyLee one who saw A1 Jolson’s “The Singing Fool” was dead! A woman who syndicates a column around these states declared that the boy had died of the flu out in Hollywood. When the rumor was denied, the wise boys insisted that the producers were keeping it quiet so as not to put the kibosh on any film in which Davie appears. Now it appears definitely that Davie Lee is plenty alive and kicking and assuring the universe that if he is dead, it’s the first he’s heard about it. Inside reports have it that A1 Jolson is directing his next film and that Davie is expected to be one of the biggest hits of the year. “Here’s how” to David, to David’s mother, and David’s father, and please don’t any wise-cracker suggest that we’re draining the cup to the Lees!