Film Fun (Jan - Dec 1916)

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Ill teach you personally by mail. 16 years' successful teaching-. Three courses: (1) Complete Lettering:, Sijrn and Card Writing; (2i Show Card and Ticket Writ(3) Lettering-. It is a wonderful field for men and women. You can succeed— big-. No limit to the window cards, sale cards, banners, and sig-ns used by merchants and others. Gold lettering* *-las9 and wood valuable feature of course. Teaches everything you need.. This knowledg-e will help you wherever you are. Pay good, work fascination, hours short. Neal (Ohio).'says, "Lessons easy to understand— anyone can easily learn." Schwartz (Del.) writes to say, "Yours is the only school that really teaches," and Tarbell (111.), "Price of course too cheap — best in existence." Get in on this big thing too. Your name and address brings full particulars. TheDetroitSchooIof Lettering Chas. J. Str Dept. 4201 DETROIT, Mini. Guarantee — I guarantee to place my graduates in positions paving $85.00 to S175.O0 when they have graduated and are competent. We have constantly more requests for men at good salaries than we can supply. CHARLIE CHAPLIN OUTFIT lOc BOYS ! 1000 LAFFS FOR 10c. BIG BARGAIN while they last. Chas. Chaplin Musi tache, exact duplicate, made of real hair, • create scrpams of laughter. Im.Gold Tooth, slips on and off over your own. $1000 Bank Roll of stage money, makes them stare. "Ish Ka Bibble" button for your coat lapel. Disappearing Medallion Coin, bearing lifelike image of C.Chaplin; hand it to your xi friend, it vanishes instantly when heatfJ tempts to take it, startling but easily done. Complete outfit with large catalogue shipped by parcel post for 10c and 2c stamp. NU1DEA CO., Dept. F, 524 45th St., BROOKLYN, N. Y. GET THIS BOOK FOR 35c j How To Write Photoplays Our new bonk. HOW TO WRITE PHO" I TOPLAYS. is the wonder of the mo* 1 tion picture world. Third editionrevised and enlarged, now readv1 Showfl HOW to write photoplays, and i HOW and WHERE to Bell them dives il facts, valuable pointers, an acI tnal model scenario, 50 valuable ad| dresses of scenario buyers, a statement showing what land of a scenario each one wants, etc. Ju»t follow I directions and write successful phoI topi ays. Send for your copy to-day, j It will bo sent postpaid for only 35o. HYDE PUBLISHING CO. FF884H Lowe Ave., Clilcnero MOVINGqPICTURE MACHINE and 7 FILMS Complete with 215 views. 250 other presents free for Belling our Gold Eye Needles. Easy to sell, 2 packages (or 10c with thimble free. Order. &) WE TRUST YOU When sold return $1. CO and receive premium entitled to, selected from our premium book. eystone Gift Co. , Box36 1 Greenville, Pa. Ford Joke Book, 10 Cts, All the latest and BEST JOKES on the FORD Auto. Hundreds of them and all good ones. Also Jitney jokes Moving Picture and new Vaudeville jokes. Laugh till you shake. A neat colored covered book by mail Iftcts PIKE PUBLISHING CO. I U Ll3oxHSO.NOR.WALK, CONN. «^' BECOME A PHOTOPLAY ACTOR OR ACTRESS One of the most pleasant and well paid of professions. Send stamp for particulars THE P. A. BOOKING OFFICES, Chicago, III. WRITE PHOTOPLAYS. WRITING FOR THE SCREEN gives instructions, mnrkets. '25c. Write Play«. Acts. WRITING FOR THE STAGE tells nil. 25c. Both, 45c. E. L. Gamble, PLAYWRIGHT. I ,..i Liverpool, 0 A New Chaplin Stunt Charlie Chaplin does not need his tramp make-up to be funny. He can be comical in his ordinary clothes. In Los Angeles there is a little cafe that is greatly favored by the screen folk, and here they nightly gather to dine and rally each other with the news of the day. One night Chaplin wandered in with his surprised look and a bran-new dress suit. He quietly took a seat at a corner table and ordered a modest dinner. But as he leaned back to listen to the rendition of a new song by the orchestra, he discovered errors in the leading. Without a change of expression, he wandered over to the orchestra, took the baton away from the leader, and proceeded to conduct the orchestra according to his own ideas of leading. Occasionally he sang a snatch or two of the air, but always he made of the conducting one of the best things he ever did. In two seconds every diner in the room was at attention, and even the cooks crowded to the door and let the steaks burn while they howled at Chaplin's latest. When the piece was finished, he handed the baton to the conductor with a deep and serious bow and wandered back to his table with the subdued air of a man who knew what he wanted to do and had done it. The act was so impromptu and so good and the applause was so continued that Charlie concluded that if it would make hardened screen actors laugh, it would make audiences laugh. And then and there was born the plot of "A Night at the Show," one of the best things he has ever done. It is so utterly different that it destroys at once our association of Chaplin with the big shoes and the tramp clothes. Your Address, Please? In Tupelo, Miss., two interested colored men one night watched closely some war pictures and argued the matter loudly. "Nigger," protested one, "doan' yo' know dem Englishmens got guns what kin shoot clean 'cross de ocean?" "Go 'way, man!" insisted his friend. "Why, dem Germans, dey got guns what all dey wants is yo' address." m Other Falls American — Why are the picture shows like Niagara Falls? Englishman — I give that up. American — Why, so many people go to see them. Englishman — Oh, I see ; they go to see Niagara Falls at the picture shows, eh? This Inspiring Book Free This intensely interesting and instructive 165-page book tells you of the great and increasing demand for htwyers and how you can become one. It tells you why law trained men are no*v selected for most positions of responsibility in business, public life and social work — and how you can grasp these opportunities. It shows you how you can become law trained in spare time at home by a method which is endorsed by distinguished, men, throughout the country, in whose opinion you have the utmost confidence. Modern American Law Course and Service of BLACKST0NE INSTITUTE Blackstone Institute, including The Sprague Correspondence School of Law. has successfully trained more than thirty thousand men and women in law. Among our graduates are the Governor of a Slate, United States Senators and Congressmen. State. County and City Officials, many Judges and thousands of successful Lawyers and business men everywhere. This notable record extending over more than twenty-five years is the most convincing evidence that we produce results— and it is results that count. Chief Justice Ladd of the Supreme Court of Iowa, says: "Every person interested in the law will receive from Blackstone Institute an unusually excellent — in fact, the best, non-resident system of instruction." The Course has been prepared especially for home study by eighty eminent judges and other authorities. It is clearly written in simple, non-technical language, easy to read and understand. Preliminary education is not necessary. You will benefit from the day you start. Special Offer, Investigate FREE Oar Course and Service will prepare you for the bar examination and for the practice of law. ci to become a leader in business or public life. Special offer now beinpr made to ambitious men. Investigate at once by sending postcard or letter, or clipping the coupon f__ onr 11 -page free book and full particulars. No cost or obligation. Address, Extension Division Blackstone Institute 20 W. Jackson Blvd. Chicago, 111. BATH HOUSE 23" "KEEP OUT" OUR LATEST NOVELTY Bath house in wood veneer with swinging door and brass fastener; size 5x8 inches: with the door open you see a beautiful, hand colored picture of an Ostend bathing girl. Comes boxed, prepaid, for 25c to introduce our new catalog of Pictures for The Den, "' all winners! " Catalog alone 10c. Stamps accepted. CELEBRITY ART CO.. STB Colombo* Ate., Ronon, JIo*.