Film Fun (Jan - Dec 1917)

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hard race as a central producing point. Many studios are located at Jacksonville, Fla., because of the climatic advantages there, and Chicago is not to be forgotten when you are selecting a point from which to search for screen fame. -5 Dear Editor — I am a reader of Film Fun and enjoy it very much. I am anxious to have a picture of Thomas Chatterton, whom we enjoy seeing on the screen. Please tell me where I can get a picture of him and of Crane Wilbur and Juanita Hansen. We have just received our January number and are immensely pleased with it. Z. L., Roseburg, Oregon. You can doubtless get a picture of Thomas Chatterton by applying to the American Film Company, Santa Barbara, Cal., and sending twenty-five cents in stamps for same. The screen stars would like to send out their pictures freely to their admirers, but with the photographic studios charging from fifteen to forty dollars a dozen, what can they do, poor things? It would take all their salary to buy pictures. You can reach Crane Wilbur at Horsley Studio, Los Angeles, Cal., and Miss Hansen at Fox Studio, Los Angeles. -? Dear Editor — We are glad to note that you are not afraid to print the exact conditions of some of the motion picture studios. While many of them conscientiously endeavor to protect the young women, so far as they can, who seek employment there, we who have encountered the dreadful conditions attendant upon some of the others are glad that some magazine has the courage to print the truth regarding them. Please remember that we stand ready to assist you in any way. Disillusionized, N. Y. Yours is only one of many letters received since our announcement that we were to print the plain truth about motion pictures in our series of articles, "The Confessions of a Motion Picture Actress." Club women who are interested in seeing clean pictures and better conditions in the studios have congratulated us, and the better class of the motion picture producers, actors and all connected with the business declare the same intention to stand behind this movement of Film Fun to clean up the motion picture field, as far as is possible. Nuxated Iron to Make New Age of Beautiful Women and Vigorous Iron Men Say Physicians — Quickly Puts Roses Into the Cheeks of Women and Most Astonishing Youthful Power Into the Veins of Men — It Often Increases the Strength and Endurance of Delicate, Nervous ' Run Down" Folks 200 Per Cent, in Two Weeks' Time. A Wonderful Discovery Which Promises to Mark a New Era in Medical Science SINCE the remarkable discovery of organic iron, Nuxated Iron or "Fer Nuxate," as the French call it, has taken the country by storm. It is conservatively estimated that over three million persons annually are taking it in this country alone. Most astonishing results are reported from its use by both physicians and laymen. So much so that doctors predict that we shall soon have a new age of far more beautiful, rosycheeked women and vigorous iron men. Dr. King, a New York physician and author, when interviewed on the subject, said: "There can be no vigorous iron men without iron. Pallor means anemia. Anemia means iron deficiency. The skin of anemic men and women is pale. The flesh flabby. The muscles lack tone ; the brain fags and the memory fails and often they become weak, nervous, irritable, despondent and melancholy. When the iron goes from the blood of women, the roses go from their cheeks. "In the most common foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, polished rice, white bread, soda crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, larina, degerminated cornmeal, no longer is iron to be found. Refining processes have removed the iron of Mother Earth from these improverished foods, and silly methods of home cookery, by throwing down the waste pipe the water in which our vegetables are cooked, are responsible for another grave iron loss. "Therefore, if you wish to preserve your youthful vim and vigor to a ripe old age, you must supply the iron deficiency in your food by using some form of organic iron, just as you would use salt when your food has not enough salt." Dr. Sauer, who has studied abroad in great European medical institutions, said : "As I have said a hundred times over, organic iron is the greatest of all strength builders. If people would only throw away patent medicines and nauseous concoctions and take nuxated iron, I am convinced that the lives of thousands of persons might be saved who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver, heart trouble, etc. The real and true cause which started their disease was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by a lack of iron in the blood. "Not long ago a man came to me who was nearly half a century old and asked me to give him a preliminary! examination for life insurance. I was astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of twenty and as full of vigor, vim and vitality as a young man; in fact, a young man he really was, notwithstanding his age. The secret, he said, was taking iron— Nuxated Iron had filled him with renewed life. At thirty he was in bad health ; at forty-six he was care worn and nearly all in. Now at fifty, after taking Nuxated Iron, a miracle of vitality and his face beaming with the buoyancy of youth. Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into living tissue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you without doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of it, and as a consequence you become weak, pale and sickly looking, just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron. If you are not strong or well, you owe it to yourself to make the following test : See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, rundown people who were ailing all the while double their strength and endurance and entirely rid themselves of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this, after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate, or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. The iron demanded by Mother Nature for the red coloring matter in the blood of her children is, alas ! not that kind of iron. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete and prize-fighter has won the day simply because he knew the secret of great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron before he went into the affray, while many another has gone down in inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron." Dr. Schuyler C. Jacques, another New York physician, said : "I have never before given out any medical information or advice for publication, as I ordinarily do not believe in it. But in the case of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be remiss in my duty not to mention it. I have taken it myself and given it to my patients with most surprising and satisfactory results. And those who wish quickly to increase their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy." NOTE; — Nuxated Iron, which is prescribed and recommended above by physicians in such a great variety of cases, is not a patent medicine or a secret remedy, but one which is well known to druggists and whose iron constituents are widely prescribed by eminent physicians both in Europe and America. Unlike the older inorganic iron products, it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach ; on the contrary, it is a most potent remedy in nearly all forms of indigestion as well as for nervous, rundown conditions. The manufacturers have such great confidence in nuxated iron, that they offer to forfeit $100.00 to any charitable institution if they cannot take any man or woman under 60 who lacks iron, and increase their strength 200 per cent, or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organic trouble. They also offer to refund your money if it does not at least double your strength and endurance in ten days' time. It is dispensed by all good druggists.