Film Fun (Jan - Dec 1919)

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30 YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FACE BUT YOUR NOSE? BEFORE IN' THIS DAY and AGE attention to your appearance is an absolute necessity if you expect to make the most out of life. Not only should you wish to appear as attractive as possible, for your own self -satisfaction, which is alone well worth your efforts, but you will find the world in general judging you greatly, if not wholly, by your 'looks," therefore it pays to "look your best'" at all times. AFTER Permit no one to see you looking: otherwise; it will injure yon r welfare! Upon the impression you constantly make rests the failure or success of your life. Which is to be your ultimate destiny? My new Nose-Shaper, "Trados," (Model 24) corrects now ill-shaped noses without operation, quickly, safely and permanently. Is pleasant and does not interfere with one's daily occupation, being worn at night. Write today for free booklet, which tells you how to correct ill-shaped noses without cost if not satisfactory. M. TRILETY, Face Specialist, 1160 Ackerman Bldg., Binghamton, N. Y. POPULARITY FOLLOWS THE? UKULELE, %J If you play quaint, dreamy Hawai1 ian music or latest songs on the Ukulele you will be wanted every* where. We teach by mail 20 simple lessons; give you free a genuine Hawaiian Ukulele, music, everything — no ex* tras. Ask us to send the story of Hawaiian music. You will love it. No obligation — absolutely free. The Hawaiian Institute of M nsic, 1400 BVay, Suite 1204 « N. Y.0. DIAMOND CUT 4R|NGS YOUR BIRTH STONE 3 Diamond Cut Brilliant, 1-8 g^SjA"^ * ' s^h^S carat Bize. Signet with wSmffim W.OS WEDDIHO^Sd^iiP^'so'iidG^dSWNET-YOURINITIAl S Shell. Guaranteed 3 years. §S£J»*|" " ."" '"■" Si^""' 5 Order 12 pkf*s. of Bingo S^i'ffl^ifai&sJi 3 Perfumed Ironing Wax. (SellatlOcea. Easytoaell. a Big demand. Order today. : Send no money. Get 4 ■ beautiful Bint?" FREE. BINGO COMPANY DEPT. 100, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG We revise poems, write music and guarantee to secure publication. Submit poems on any subject. BROADWAY STUDIOS, 106D Fitzgerald Building, Broadway at 43d Street, New York. MOVIE ACTING! A fascinating profession that pays big. Would you like to know if you are adapted to this work? Send 10c. for our Twelve-Hour Talent Tester or Key to Moving Acting Aptitude and find whether or not you are suited to take up Movie Acting. Instructive and valuable. Send dime or stamps today. Interesting, Illustrated Booklet on Movie Acting included FREE ! Film Information Bureau, Sta. H, Jackson, Mich. Submit your Song-Poems NOW for free examination and advice. ^^^—M We revise poems, compose music of any description, ^^^^tA 4 7*^^ secure copyright and employ original methods j«"lT 1 ■ i>>"^ ( ^ for facilitating FREE PUBLICATION or ^t^Ajk kJ^\, , f°-8tal , . .... , ^rfrtll'VJfc 1 ^**^ Card bnnga outright SALE of songs under a j^rfMimft5K>'*^ vou a coPv of our certificate GUARANTEE ^<"3™iP^ Free Booklet which ■ 2 iC-^ plains our methods and con ^t4l*\ I m^^^ tains valuable information and iT ' I \.W^"^ instructions. This is your opport *» \\^^ unity to learn the truth regarding the Songft-^vmting profession from a reliable and successful concern. KNICKERBOCKER STUDIOS. 91 Gaiety Bldg., N. Y City. 1NG you satisfac FREE WRITERS A wonderful little Book of moneymaking: hints, suggestions, ideas; the A B C of successful Story and Movie-Play writing. Absolutely Free. Just address AUTHORS' PRESS, Dept. 28, Auburn, N. Y The Army and Navy Forever Here's a picture, humorous as it seems, there appears to be an aspect of true American patriotism to it, and at this particular time of affairs it is making a tremendous hit. Printed in three colors and mounted on heavy double mats it makes an ideal wall decoration, being all ready for framing. Why not get a copy for your home, den, or club-room ? Or, if you are considering fixing up that bungalow or cottage for the summer why not brighten up the walls with one of these art prints? Send us twenty-five cents, cash or stamps, and we will forward a copy, postage prepaid. Judge Art Print Department 225 Fifth Avenue New York City WhimWhams and Wheezes (Continued from page 19) "1\/TARY MILES MINTER. in 'The -LVJ. Eyes of Julia Deep, ' displays her ability in role of humble department-store clerk " The fellow who wrote that ad. evidently has done little shopping. "Haughty" is the word, old chap — not "humble" ! Life, to Ruth Stonehouse, is more than a span — ' tis a spread. She was torn in the North, educated in the South, brought up in the West and married in the East. Considerable scatter ! -5 IS MRS. ARBUCKLE IN THE HOUSE? Your hubby's so round you can bound him, He'd make lots of hash if they ground him! But, Minta Durfee, Will you whisper to me — WAS Roscoe that fat when you found him? •5" "A play to cause the heart to beat and the pulse to move. ' ' That ad. sounds kinda interesting, until you think it over. Then you realize that drinking a glass of water will have the same curious effect upon your system. BESSIE BARRISCALE says that Mr. Husband-Director-Howard Hickman never shows symptoms of jealousy during the filming of her love scenes. Thassall right, Bessie; even if Howard doesn't, about a million of us fellows DO ! -5Well, let's see: We've had "The Haunted House" and "The Enchanted Barn" ; maybe next we'll have "The Occult Hencoop." And then ' ' The Hired Man' ' would quit. Humbled ' ' Does your new heavy act very independent?" inquired the studio manager. "Not at all," answered the director. "He started a company of his own a short time ago and produced one picture himself." The Educational Film I love to hear her talking to The fellow she calls "Jim," About the troop of "calvary" That trots across the "Aim." She loves to see their "hostlers" ("Holsters," I guess she means), And wonders if their "hemlets" Feel heavy on their "beans." __ -X