Film Fun (Jan - Dec 1919)

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31 Making the Movies Dry (Continued from page 11) their dupes. Or maybe they'll hypnotize their victims and get drunk with excitement. Oh, there are lots of things they can do and be as bad as ever. We won't miss the Demon Rum — not a-tall!" Tom Mix pooh-poohed the idea that Western pictures couldn't be made without the aid of Tom and Jerry, John Barleycorn and the rest of the Souse Familee. "Say, that's a hobby of mine. Don't get me started, ' ' he warned. ' ' I preach to the boys so much about the effects of liquor that ever so often they put a placard on my dressing-room door that says, 'Rev. Thomas Mix, Temperance Lecturer and Evangelist. ' I won't have a man in my company who drinks, and very few of my pictures have barroom scenes in them. The new condition of things will mean that there will be more realism in Western pictures, for, as a matter of fact, cow-punchers didn't hit the booze to any great extent. Their very lives depended on their having clear heads, and as for the bad men — say, I never saw one of those fellows even intoxicated ! Of course, the miners had a great thirst; but even a mining story doesn't have to revolve around booze, and take it from me, the dirtiest schemes I ever saw hatched had no drink back of them at all, just a wild desire for land, money, revenge or a woman. Scenario writers will do well to cut out that dance-hall stuff from Western pictures. I never saw a dance hall where they had the short skirted girls farther south than Nevada. They had them, of course, in Alaska and the Yukon, but not in the Southwest, so maybe this change will make for a little much needed realism in pictures." I found Dustin Farnum out on the lot, and he obligingly posed by a long sinceshot thirst emporium, the "Red Dog" saloon, with two empty bottles in his hands — the said bottles having been dug out of the paint shop, the rest of the studio being barren of liquid refreshments. ' ' This old shack is historic, ' ' he said, grinning. "It's the last barroom set that I expect to use for some time — in fact, until the dry amendment is amended or we put on a picture of the ancient vintage of 1918, before saloons were changed into soda-water fountains and hot-dog foundries. If people want Demon Rum to get out of the country, I reckon he'd better hoof it from the pictures, too. The new generation growing up will come to look on drinking not as something common or to be countenanced, but as a drug that produces a certain effect and which should be shunned. That is bound to change the type of pictures put on, and it will spur writers to produce a substitute — Lord only knows what it will be! But as far as my experience goes, drink isn't essential to a Western picture. The one I just finished didn't have a drink in it from reel one to five, and there were some thrilling plots and fights in it, too. I've found that the meanest man isn't the drunk man; it's the man that's corrupt or just plain vicious. Fights can start from other things besides whiskey, and bad men can put together just as dastardly a plot over a ham sandwich as they can over a bottle of gin!" I went to the Demon Rum and told him that there was no hope, not even in Western pictures. "They can get along without you," I said, ' ' and only a few seem to regret your going." He sobbed damply and handed me a slip of paper. ' ' If the films find they can't get along without me," he gurgled, "they can send for me at that address. I'll be there indefinitely." The slip bore, in large and scraggly letters : "D. Rum. Temporary address, NOWHERE!" Mechanical April Showers (Continued from page Ik) feet of the storm, but the results of sloshing around in a muddy country road which the director himself had made that way because there hadn't been a rain recently. I remember another picture — "The Beloved Traitor," I think it was — which demanded the rescue of the heroine, Mae Marsh, from the raging seas at the height of a storm off Marblehead, Mass. For four days a "location" man from the studios sat on the rocks at the famous resort, waiting for a storm to blow up. The company, nacked and ready, waited at home. But no storm came. So the company journeyed to Marblehead anyway, the scenes with the star in them were photographed in (Continued on page 2%) Is Your Blood Starving For Want of Iron? Iron is Red-Blood Food — Nuxated Iron Helps Put Roses Into the Cheeks of Women and Strength and Energy Into the Veins of Men. If you were to go without eating until you become weak, thin and emaciated, you could not do a more serious harm to yourself than when you let your blood literally starve for want of iron — iron that gives it strength and power to change food into living tissue, muscle and brain. Without plenty of iron in the blood, no matter how much or what you eat, your food simply passes through you without doing you any good — you don't get the strength out of it and instead of being filled with youthful strength and energy you are weak, nervous and all run-down. If you are not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test : See how long you can walk or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks, then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. Numbers of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while have most astonishingly increased their strength and endurance simply by taking iron in the proper form But don't take the old kinds of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated like Nuxated Iron if you want it to do you any good, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. You can procure Nuxated Iron from your druggist on an absolute guarantee of satisfaction or your money will be refunded. Long Lashes Add New Charm The woman with long lashes is always envied They give special charm to any face. Add beauty to the eyes. Long lashes and perfect eyebrows can easily be acquired. Use Lashneenoncea day. Results quick and sure. Lashneen stimulates the growth of lashes and brows by keeping them in a vigorous condition. Prepared from famous Oriental formula. 100,000 women use it every day. Myrtle Stedman says: I find Lashneen very effective. I can sincerely recommend it,' Order today. Mailed in j ili& r^ plain cover on receipt of T ■>>» W, fJjjL V*l r* 13 cents, coin or money |*)fi > I ^* T~al^ order. Money back if not satisfied. Lashneen Co., Dept. 25 «S, Philadelphia.Pa. Myrtle Stedman famous screen star, uses and recommends It THROW YOUR VOICE I,earn to throw your voice into a trunk, under the bed, outin the hall or anywhere. Lots of FUN fooling the Teacher, Janitor, Policeman or Friends. The VENTRHO is a little instrument that fits into the mouth out of sight. Anyone can use it. Never Fails. A 32 page book on VENTRILOQUISM sent with Ventrilo for 10 cts. and S8 cts. postage. Kaiser's Dream Will make you scream, given with above. BOYAIi NOV. CO., Box 21, South Norwalk, Conn, NEW SCIENTIFIC WONDER w ©•SILVER ONLY_B i Q fun w% f\\f C ^ou apparently see thr« Clothes, Wood, 0 \J J 25 Stone, any object. See Bones in Flesh. A magie trick novelty FREE with each "X-Ray." MARVEL MFG. CO., Dept. 4S, NEW HAVEN, CONS. PREMO CAMERA Genuine Eastman Kodak Co. Film Camera. Automatic shutter for time exposure and Snapshots. Makes beautiful pictures. Complete instructions. Easy to operate. Own a Genuine Eastman Premo, it won't cost you one cent. We give these cameras FREE for selling 20 packages of Bincro Perfumed Ironing Wax at 10c each. Easy to Bell. Ordertoday. Send no Money. Bingo Co. Dept. 101, BinghamtonfN.Y.