Film Fun (June 1926)

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The magazine with the SILVER COVER KENDALL BANNING Editor LAURENCE M. COCKADAY Technical Editor POPULAR RADIO, with which Is combined "The Wireless Age," is Sre-emlnent In the field or Radio, [ere you will And the romance as well as the practical and technical aide of Radio. New subscribers may send St. 00 for a 5 months' subscript on. POPULAR RADIO 427 West 43d Street New York City BUST DEVELOPED My Big Three Part Treatment is the ONLY ONE that gives FULL DEVELOPMENT without bathing, exercises, pumps or other dangerous absurdities. I Bend you a GUARANTEED TWO DOLLAR 14-DAY TREATMENT FREE If you send a DIME toward expenses. (A Large Aluminum Box of my Wonder Cream included.) Plain wrapper. IS IT WORTH 10c TO YOU? If not. your dime back by first mail. Address NOW. with ten cents only Madam* C. S. Williams, Buffalo, N. Y. PRETTY PHOTOS OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN giving the real feeling and impression of having living creatures under the eyes. Samples for SI. 00, S3.00. Complete collection of 144 dlderent photos for $4.00. PARIS-PICTURES, Dept. 54 in Neullly-Plalsance. (S. & O). FRANCE. ! Postpaid Mailed In plain wrapper AMERICAN PUB. CO. SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE ILLUSTRATED ByWINFIELO SCOTT HALL,M.D.,?U>. SEX FACTS MADE PLAIN What every young man and Every young woman should know What every young husband and Every young wife should know What every parent should know Cloth bmcBB — 320 pifes — oury iuuslralioat TabU ofeonwnu. & commendation*, on regiusf. 685 Wlitifi l\iu Philadelphia HOLLYWOOD'S Latest Fad E ARISTOCRAT CARDS printed with your own name, jar business or calling . . . K25oef£ Contained in » beautiful leather «a*e of SO cards each. SOC pei c»*C for one lint. a*, abort. 15< for each additional line, for adJmi. phone, etc JuM •end voiir name and addtr» and the wording you want on the card with stamp* or monrv order (Print clearly J Aristocrat Card Co^ 1230E. 8. Brc%dway, Los Angusa STOP RIGHT HERE! THE POPULAR GALLERY OF FAMOUS FILM ARTISTS is ready. Over so superb rotogravure portraits of YOUR FAVORITE STARS, the late Barbara La Marr's favorite picture oi herself, and portraits of 90 world famous directors. Folks, orders are pouring in — get yours TO-DAY. 1 1. as postpaid. Have you read that exciting book, "What Chance Have I In Hollywood?" For the screen struck boy or girl, no better book was ever written. Ji.oo postpaid. ORDER BOTH, ONLY $2.00. Frederick Paul, F 1531 N Mariposa, Hollywood, Cal. gather that we liked "The Torrent." "Mare Nostrum" MARE NOSTRUM, foaled by Blasco Ibanez, is a very slow motion picture, featuring Alice Terry, Antonio Moreno and an octopus. The octopus is quite convincing. The story is about one Captain Ferragut, descendant of an old Spanish family of seafarers, who, according to the subtitles and the worried expression registered by Sehor Moreno is on the verge of bankruptcy. Then "Came the War" and a new day for both Captain Ferragut and the shipping industry. Alice Terry, as an agent of the German secret service, meets the gallant Spanish captain just as business is picking up. He is vamped away from wife and fireside and consents to aid the German Government in their misunderstanding with the Allies. * * * Retribution is hot on the Captain's heels, however, as the assistance he renders a U boat in the Mediterranean enables it to torpedo a steamship on which his only son is a passenger. In the meantime the head of the German Secret Service discovers that agent Alice has fallen in love with Captain Ferragut, and so has her sent to Paris where she is caught by the French authorities and sentenced to be shot. The shooting takes place with Alice Terry dressed in gorgeous furs, the entire French Army on guard duty, and all the Metro-Goldwyn extras blowing bugles. To avenge the death of his son, Captain Ferragut equips his vessel for fighting and patrols the Mediterranean looking for the U boat. Then in a heavy storm the U boat torpedoes Ferragut's ship and Ferragut in turn sinks the U boat with a lucky shot just as his vessel founders. "Mare Nostrum" is a frankly tragic movie and all the principals are neatly killed off. But even so the directional desire for a fadeout kiss was irresistible, so the final picture shows the spirit of Antonio sinking slowly down through the green waters of the Mediterranean to embrace its amoretto and so to gladden the hearts of all ardent little fans. ooo MARION FAIRFAX has signed a new member of "The Desert Healer" cast. Her name is "Jenny," and she used to star at the Hippodrome. She's high-priced, too — it'll take bales of the long green to pay her salary. (Long green grass.) Yes, she's an elephant. fair Chance ^movies Thousands go to Hollywood only to meet with disappointment. But Cameraman are always in demand. Vou can quickly qualify for this fascinating work. No experience necessary. We train you it Home. $75 to $250 a Week and More There's big money in every branch of Professional Photography: Motion Picture. Portrait and Commercial. Make money in spare time. Eirn nhihi leirnni. CAMERA FREE IaTuT^S Camera taking standard professional film used by all theaters, or 5x7 View Camera, latest model, gen'lne anastlgmat lens. WRITE FOR BOOK Tells all about this wonderful opportunity. Send postcard or letter TODAY. NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF PHOTOGRAPHY Dept 42, 12 W. 33rd EW YORK CITY' NOTE: If you prefer to come to oar New York or Chicago Studios for personal instruction, day or evening classes, write for Catalog R-42 to nearest address: 10 W. 33rd St.. New York, or 630 So. Wabaah Ave., Chicago, III. FRECKLES Tells How to Get Rid of These Ugly Spots and Have a Beautiful Complexion There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as Othlne — double strength — is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of Othine from any drug or department store and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completly clear the skin and gain a beautiful complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength Othine as this is sold under guarantea of money back if it falls to remove your freckles. WORK FOR UNCLE SAM" U.S. Government Jobs $1140 to $3000 Year MEN— WOMEN, 18 Up .' " ' " " ' " " ; ♦ Franklin Institute Dept. SI9S Rochester, N. Y. ♦ Gentlemen: Kindly rush Common education ^j» to me. at once, and entirely usually sufficient A9 without charge, list of U. S. ^C Government big paid positions Steady Work No Layoffs Paid Vacations Mail coupon today — SURE rtj*' now obtainable. Advise me also »2r regarding the salaries, hours, work. » vacation and send free sample examination coaching. Name. Address. . Page 61