FilmIndia (Dec 1937 - Apr 1938)

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4 ijo a coa see Qfkat U have I have toured extensively throughout India visiting every province in the country. The waste and destruction of perishable foodstuffs that I have seen would amaze you. I have seen thousands of maunds of valuabl2 food lying roiling on the ground. This is due to the fact of there being no refrigerated transport worthy of ihe name. The losses in shipment of the finest quality peaches are so great and consequently the prices offered to the growers are so low, that more than half the fruit is not worth the picking; whole crops sometimes going to waste. The gigantic possibilities of fruit farming are perhaps illustrated by the fact that in one tiny co ner of India more thin 50% of the total value of Rs. 6,00,000 worth of fruit annually go to waste. Such a state o ' affairs multiplied tnousands of time might come near to presenting a true picture of the present day waste and emphasises the prospect of immediate prosperity with the aid of FREEZITE transportation. Speaking on behalf of the Company with which I am associated seen I can say that we are out, not only to make a commercial success of our undertaking but ta render a service to the community. I ask all those in authority thoroughly to investigate this matter of FREEZITE transportation of perishable foodstuffs with a view to assisting the millions of agriculturists in India to a healthier, happier and more prosperous life. Write to me personally and I will help and advise you : I MAJOR JAMES SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF-THE DRY CADELL ROAD, DADAR, ICE CORPORATION OF INDIA, LTD., BOMBAY.