FilmIndia (Dec 1937 - Apr 1938)

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T Bombay Calling t This section is the monopoly of "JUDAS" and he writes what he likes and abont things ichich he likes. The views expressed here are not necessarily ours, but still they carry weight because they arc written by a man who knows his job. A POSER FOR MR. B. N. SIRCAR ! There is some thing wrong with the distribution of New Theatres' pictures in Bombay. It is rather strange that for a producing company which has enjoyed so far such a tremendous amount of success, it should be necessary, even now, to sell their pictures, for the Bombay circuit. It is well known that selling such rights is considered an urgent expediency to relieve financial embarrassment. We are sure that New Theatres could not be so embarrassed financially after numerous boxoffice hits which they have produced during the last three years. And in spite of all this success and after attaining an enviable trade name the New Theatres should keep on selling pictures after pictures for different provinces, to different persons, every time, instead of exploiting them through permanent bonafide agents, is a procure not very much praiseworthy for wise ousinessmen. Mr. B. N. Sircar, who is at the head of affairs is naturally responsible for allowing -.hings to drift in this irresponsible way. Irresoonsible because, no one seems to feel keenly for ;he excellent trade name of New Theatres in the 3ombay Circuit. Let us take a quick review of ;ome of the recent pictures produced by the New Theatres and released in Bombay. "Manzil" and fPujarin" were released by the All India Talkie Mstributors, "Vidyapati" was released by Kapur chand, "Anathashram" and "Mukti" have been released by Supreme Film Distributors, and no one yet knows who will release the next one called the "Motherland". It is suspected that this time the Calcutta Film Exchange will do the trick. All these different distributors have different methods of advertising the pictures. Some of them are out to 'make hay when the sun shines'. As long as the trade name of the New Theatres is on the heights of success, every distributor steps out to purchase the pictures and clear his profits without expending much in publicity. Every trade name in the world, no matter to whom it belongs, requires excellent publicity to maintain its popularity. How is it then possible for the trade name of New Theatres to be maintained in the face of the various half-hearted efforts of different distributors. In the past when New Theatres' had no name to boast of, pictures were distributed by the Calcutta Film Exchange in Bombay. These distributors with their pride and methods peculiar to them were largely responsible for establishing the trade name of the producers in this part of India. It must have cost them a lot to do so. But immediately the goal was reached, it is rather strange that the producers seem to have forgotten the services rendered by these people and to meet temporary demands, have sold several pictures to other distributors, thereby allowing an advantage 9