FilmIndia (Dec 1937 - Apr 1938)

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February 1938 FILMINDIA From: T.R.K. (Jammu): What is the chief characteristic of Shantaram's direction? Sincerity of purpose and an effort to give his level best every time. What is the percentage of educated and uneducated actors and actresses in the Indian Film industry? Educated Vi per cent, the rest uneducated. From: S.M.H. (Bangalore): Will you please give me some information about Nalini Turkhud? Why did she leave Prabhat? She is now the managing partner in Jayshree Pictures, Poona. When a person leaves a job, it is either due to some disagreement or for better prospects. I suspect the former reason in case of this lady. From: Sita P. Malkani (Hyderabad): In the Illustrated Weekly I read an article by Miss Pramilla under the heading "Becoming a star isn't easy". Do you think all that she writes is correct? I think that it is rather premature for Pramilla to write on this subject. She is not yet a star herself as no picture of hers has been released with Pramilla in the heroine's role. So far she has only been doing minor parts and for her to talk about this subject is rather presumptuous. Why don't we have Indian News reels and shorts like those given by the foreign producers? Don't be impatient. In the very near future, Prabhat is going to give us news reels and other educational shorts. From: M.S.N.M. (Bangalore): Is Sabita Devi a Brahmin girl? Yes, a 'Brahmin' amongst the Jews. From: A.H. (Rangoon): In replying to Miss Malkani in your previous issue you have said: "If a prominent man had written for a photograph, these girls perhaps would have sent him a dozen instead of a mere one". After this I wrote to glamorous Devika Rani, Sagar's pet Sabita Devi and New Theatre's novice Menaka for their autographs and according to you I ought to have received a "dozen instead of a mere one". But I never received even a reply. This proves that the Indian stars have a lot more to learn in the way of courtesy. They not only ignore their fans but rather do not even care so long as they are in good books with their directors. My hat off to you. Agreed. From: V.K. (Madras): How much will it cost a person who is new to the business to produce a good Indian picture? All his life's savings, and I am not sure whether the picture will be good after all that. Do you know why the Cinemas in Madras are bad? Because you people don't ask for better ones. Stop visiting the old theatres and those responsible will give you new ones. From: Medico (Nagpur): What has become of Miss Kamala B.A. who used to write verv interesting letters for "filmindia"? She has got herself married, and now she writes letters to her husband. From: A.S.R. (Bellary): Who is playing the important role opposite the Colour Queen Padmadevi in "Kisan Kanya"? Gulam Mahomed and he is doing it pretty well. Ratan Bai is superior to Sabita Devi and Madhuri in acting as well as singing. Don't you think so? I do, but Seth Chimanlal of Sagar and Chandulal of Ranjit don't. I read in the papers that Motilal is going to leave Sagar and join Saroj? He ought to, as he will fit in better at the other place. From: N.K.T. (Bhopal): Please help me in getting the latest photograph of Mollina. I am sorry I can't help you in this, because if I write to her instead of sending the photographs, she might come down to Bombay. From: D.V.S. (Bangalore): Reviewing the film world a friend of mine said that "prostitution" is as sacred an institution as "marriage". What do you think of it? I don't know much about the "sacred" part of it, but I know that it is as important as the other one. From: S.K.B. (Poona): In the Indian stunt pictures, we generally find several scenes which are quite impossible. Do you think that this is due to bad direction? Certainly. The producers who produce such pictures are themselves impossible men and they think that stunts should be divorced from common sense. 25