FilmIndia (Dec 1937 - Apr 1938)

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'Publication Office ; 104 Apollo St., Bombay PHONE : 28752 Calcutta Office . 183, Dharamtalla Street Office , 145, Wardour Street, London W.I. Subscription : Inland Rs. 4/Burma & Foreign Rs. 7/ £<y;tor: BJIBURAO PATEl. Dot. 3 THARCH 1938 No ll TRAGEDIES IN THE STUDIOS Another tragic accident took place the other day when Mr. Ram Kamble chief cameraman at the Film City was electrocuted and died on the spot. It was an accident, just pure and simple. No one can forestall accidents, but a lot can be done to prevent accidents in our film studios. The question is whether our producers take all precautions to prevent such accidents. We doubt because the number of accidents has been going up day by day with alarming regularity. Not a month passes without some sort of an accident either to an artiste or to some studio technician being reported. Electrocution is the latest phase of the danger to the lives of our studio workers. Studios need a current of high voltage to shoot their pictures and this current is carried to the several portable lamps with the help of cables covered with rubber. Everything is alright when these cables are new.