FilmIndia (Dec 1937 - Apr 1938)

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March 1938 FILMIND1A Will South Indian Pictures ever run in the Northern India? If you mean 'run well' then no, unless these pictures are produced in Hindi. What is the great defect with our South Indian pictures which fail? They lack imagination and are technically poor. Will you please consult astrologer Mhapanker as to when the Telugu Film industry will be free from the old aged film stars? Consulted and he says that better days are in store immediately the new ones are born. Is it possible for me to arrange a Telugu Production under the direction of Mr. Shantaram? Absolutely impossible tor you of all people. From: Benoy Kumar Dhara (Calcutta). Whom do you think to be the best cameraman ot India? There is little to choose between Nitin Bose, Krishna Gopal and Avadoot, given the same opportunities. All my Iriends say that "Devdas" was a great picture, but I didn't see it. Which do you think is the greatest picture of the day? It is your misfortune if you have not seen "Devdas". But now don't be a fool and miss "Vidyapati". I have heard that Don Bradman the world's best batsman has acted in an Australian Film. It it is true what is the name of that film? I don't know whether it is really so, but if it is so it is of course called the "Bradman Film" in which he must have started batting in the beginning and as surely remained not out till the end. Can you give me the name of the Indian boy who acted in "Elephant Boy"? I don't know the real name of the boy but the matter-of-fact Englishmen finding the boy too dark thought of soap and probably named him Sabu. From: Joher (Bombay). Why do the Indian Film Companies always take stories from old and dead playwrights? Because they can always commit the theft without being challenged by the owners. From: K. P. Mathur (Ajmere). Who sang song No. 2 in "Kokila" a Sagar picture? I think that the voice was of Sabita Devi, though the words seemed to come from Maya Bannerjee. Your impression is fortunately wrong. Bolh the voice and the mouth did belong to Maya. If Sabita had sung you could have picked her voice in a million. From: Mooner Hyder (Patna). Why does Duvika Rani being the neice of a great man like Poet Tagore work in the films? To serve art and her husband faithfully. Why did not Jamna act in "Mukti". Ask Director Barua. From: G. K. Burli (Belgaum). I want the address of Miss Nadia, famous Wadia star. Will she be pleased to send me a photo if I writ-e directly to her? She will send you half a dozen if you only care to write cjo Wadia Movietone, Parel, Bombay. From: N. A. Siddiqui (Aligarh). I want information about Sarla Devi. Her age, whether she is married, whether she has got any children and where she is working at present. Sarla is working in Ranjit Film Co., where she has just completed a picture. She is a married lady with a couple of kids on hand and one expected in the near future. You can write to her c|o Ranjit Film Co. From: R. V. Rao (Masulipatam). What are the aims and intentions of the Motion Picture Society of India for the improvement of the Indian film industry? 21