FilmIndia (Dec 1937 - Apr 1938)

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PADMA DEVI The colour queen is no longer with the Imperial — but where is she going next? Proprietors : Filmindia Publications, Ltd., 104,JApollo Street, Fort, BOMBAY. Editor: BABURAO PATEL Uol. 3 APRIL 1938 No 12 SOME ANGLO-INDIAN GIRLS IN OUR FILMS! There are several reasons why the quality of ihe average Indian picture has degenerated in recent years. Every year registeis a new fall in the box-office takings, in spite of all attempts to draw people out of their homes. Those interested in the industry are lulled into a false sense of security by occasional successes like "Tukaram", "Vidyapati" and pictures produced by a couple of leading producers. But they should not lose sight of the large number of pictures which fail with a regularity that is alarming. A study of .statistics will reveal that for every successful picture floated, twenty others have failed miserably. One of the many reasons that contributes to this apalling state of affairs is the lack of novelty