FilmIndia (Dec 1937 - Apr 1938)

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FILMINDIA April 1938 From: R. Swamy (Bangalore). Does Dilip (old Nazir) act well? I have only seen him making faces so far. If you call that acting, well, he does it well. From: K. L. Mathur (Rewari). 7 want to join Sagar Movietone as an actor. What should I do? I am a young man with charming appearance. Write to Sabita Devi cjo Sagar. She is the most influential person there and may put in a gccd word for you with the proprietor. Frcm: A. A. Shahpurwalla (Bombay). Will you agree with me if 1 put "Vidyapati" second to "Tukaram" as the second greatest production of India? No! From a pictorial point of view "Vidyapati" is miles better than "Tukaram". But "Tukarcra" was a phenomenal success and proved a veritable gold mine to the producers. From: G. K. Advani (Karachi) What is Han Shivdasani doing? Waging for another chance to act. Why are you so fond of Padmadevi? Because I like her. From: Miss Lata (Vizagapatam). J think Uma and Mollina are sisters. Am 1 correct? Yes, sisters in "trade. J think producers employ only beautiful girls, though they are no good in acting? Yes, some producers do. These girls are useful. Frcm: B. L. Sharma (Bhopal). / have written some stories.. I visited Bombay recently and called on Mr. Broacha of the Imperial Film Co. and also on the other producers, but they did not seem to care. I am fond of writing stories, what shall I do? Keep on writing! As regards Broacha and the other producers, they are themselves busy adding new chapters every day to their own long stories started years back. Most of them are tragic plots and more suitable for the screen than the romance you intend to give. From: V. P. Windlass (Ambala). J am very anxious to "embrace" the cinema line. I am an undergraduate of the Punjab University and possess good personality. I sing very well and come from a noble family of Ambala. Can you suggest any studio? If you have all that vou say, by all means "embrace" the line and do so with all warmth at your command. I would have suggested