FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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May 1938 FILMINDIA From: Ramlal (Rajpipla). Who is the best looking actor in India? Kumar. I want to go to Hollywood to be an actor. I am good-looking and can afford to go to Hollywood. Do you think 1 have any chance? Absoultely none! But my opinion should not stop you from going to Hollywood, as you can afford it. If Greta Garbo takes a fancy for you, then you might end by being an 'extra' in one of the studios. From: C. Ranganathrao (Nellorc). Why do Indian Pictures fail? Because they are badly produced. Who is the best actor from the following: Chandramohan, Ishwarlal Sayani Atish, Yakub and Gulam Mahomed? Keeping recent performances in view Ishwarlal is easily the best. Chandramohan is a close second. From: K. P. Budhay (Nagpur). The film industry in India, in my opinion, is exclusively of a commercial type and the art which supplies the motive force is made to appear like rocks of quicksands, to be shunned. At this rate I don't think much of the future of the industry. What do you think? Picture making is in itself a commercialised art. But commerce and art should be well-balanced to serve entertainment to the people. But the present day producers are putting so much of 'commerce' into their pictures at the expense of 'art' that pictures are no longer any good commercial propositions. It will be better 'commerce' if art is made an argument of success in our pictures. There are several reasons for this state of affairs, and the principal one is that most of our producers, as they are today, hardly have even a nodding acquaintance with art. From: V. R. Shyam Sunder (Sivakodu). Is it true that Auzurie has left the shores o/ India on a continental dance tour? She has been threatening to do so for long, but that may be to bring her erring friends round. She is still in India, now touring the South. Has Rajkumari left New Theatres? Yes, left behind. As an untouchable in "Achhoot" Gohar is incomparable. Her perfo rmance will convert critics into fans. 43