FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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STUDIO CLOSE-UPS BOMBAY Ranjit Movietone: The new studio of Ranjit is afire with new .activity. Everywhere we see beautiful and gorgeous settings in which imposing figures like Trilok Kapoor and Mazhar Khan move about with a grace and grandeur that tell us what Ranjit is going to give us in the near future. The last shots of "Gorakh Aya" under the excellent direction of Mr. Chaturbhuj Doshi have been taken and the picture has gone into the editing room. The personal supervision of Mr. Chandulal Shah is bound to make this picture a huge success for Ranjit who will open a new chapter of quality pictures for 1938 with "Gorakh Aya". Another one which is fast nearing completion is "Prithvi Putra" with Madhuri and E. Billimoria in the cast. But all this grandeur is nothing compared to the vivid realism that is portrayed in "Achhut", the story of our untouchable people. It is a tale which is atonce pathetic and beautitui. Being rare in conception and treatment it is likely to give the highest profits possible to the Ranjit Movietone. With Miss Gohar in the emotional title role, the picture is ably supported by other artistes like Rajkumari and Mazhar. And there is Prabhat's Vasantee in it too. The shooting of "Achhut" wiil start immediately Miss Gohar returns from her change at Mahabaleshwar. Another one that will go into production by the time this is in print is "Saint Tulsidas", starring Vishnupant Pagnis and Vasantee both of Prabhat. All these gigantic preparations foretell that Ranjit will once again hat the top in 1939. We hope they achieve the goal. Sagar Movietone: "Dynamite" will be on the screen by the time this issue is in your hands. At the studio "Gramophone Singer" is being given the final touches by Director Virendra Desai. "Postman" which is being shot by the new Director has reached half way, while Mehboob is well on wcry with his new picture which he expects to complete by the end of June. Harindranath Chattopaahyaya's unit has not yet got going, though it was expected to start shooting last month. However, it will start work in June seriously. Imperial Film Co.: All the pictures under production namely, "Mother India", "Actress" and "Why" have been completed and the entire staff has been served with notices with an idea of re-organising the concern on new lines. Director Aspi Irani is shooting "Flying Queen". It is reported that the services of Padmadevi are being retained by the studio for their next colour picture which will be given in the hands of a more capable director than those found in the staff at present. The notes tjiven under this section are not necessarily our riews though the language is ours. Studio close-ups are prepared from the reports receired from the Studios to which are added the whispers in the Studio corners. These reports, are therefore, expectations entertained by the producers and the people working in the Studios, and need not be the source of guidance for bookings: Bombay Talkies: "Nirmala" is drawing very well at the Roxy. Inspite of the unfortunate riots the picture proved popular and is likely to run for a number of weeks in Bombay. The plans for the next picture are still in the making and we will let you know what they decide in the next issue. Wadia Movietone: "Rangilla Mazdoor" is waiting foi "Lutaru Lalna" to leave the Lamington Talkies. At the studio there are two more 'quickies' being shot regularly. Saroj Movietone: "Prem Samadhi" and "Afsana" are still in the making, and goodness knows when they will be finished. Minerva Movietone: "Jailor" a social story with powerful dramatic situations has progressed very well within the last month. With Leila Chitnis and Sheela in the cast, the picture is expected to be a good draw. General Films: Regular shooting of "Baghban" and "Pati Patni" is going on alternate days at the Film City. With Kardar and Atorthy trying 55