FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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August 1938 FILMINDIA Prakash people first produced "Passing Show" and then "State Express". What brand of cigarettes are they going to produce next? If they need money "Scissors" would be handy. But with Sardar Akhtar in the staff, "Red Lamp" would be convenient to give the audiences a scare. I hear that Hadi previously with the Imperial has become a Sadhu? I believe you. But what kind of a Sadhu has Hadi become? From: Bhasker Rao (Raichur). From the following, four pairs: Madhuri and Devika Rani; Shanta Apte and Uma; Sulochana and Gohar; Sabita and Padmadevi; who is the better artiste from all view points? Devika Rani is miles better than Madhuri Uma used to act better than Shanta once, but Shanta has improved a lot recently, while Uma has not given any outstanding performance during the last year. Between Gohar and Sulochana, Gohar is easily the better one and one of the best ones, in the industry. Sulochana never reached the emotional heights of acting as Gohar has done through several pictures. Between Sabita Devi and Padmadevi, Padmadevi is any day a far better artiste than Sabita. For pathetic and emotional work, Padma has few rivals in our filmdom. Padmadevi 's dark oriental charm outweighs all the artificial glamour of Sabita on the screen. While Sabita has given only one good performance in all her career (in "300 Days & After"), Padma has several excellent performances to her credit. From: M. Din (Peshawar Cantt). Is Jayant of Prakash a Muslim? What is his real name? His name is Zakeria Khan. And like his name he is a frontier man. Yes, he is a Mahomedan. From: Anil Bhathija (Bombay). J am an admirer of Durga Khote and I want all the news about her? I can't give you all the news. Write to Mubarak Merchant cjo Nataraj Films, Queen's Road, Bombay and he will tell you all you want to know. By the way, what is your age? From: Harkishan U. Jhangiani (Hyderabad). Which is the best actress out of the following and why? Norma Shearer, Greta Garbo, Jeanette McDonald, Joan Crawford and Marlene Dietrich. Norma Shearer has that mellow and soothing personality that warms anyone's heart. Greta Garbo's ascetic poise attracts but awes at the same time. Jeanette McDonald is vivacious and entertaining. Joan Crawford looks cold and designing. Mar lene Dietrich has only glamour and no looks. Her half-closed eyes — and she generally keeps them so — are seductive. I think Norma Shearer is the best artiste in so far as acting goes, even better than Greta Garbo who has, of late, been typed in the same kind of roles. Norma is more versatile Joan Crawford is better than Jeanette in acting. Marlene doesn't act much, her cameraman does a large part of it. What do you think of Clarke Gable? Not much! He is a publicity "product". What is your opinion of Mehboob as a director? Inspite of "Jagirdar's" success, to me he knows anything but direction. You seem to be having correct judgment in certain matters. Read my reviews of Mehboob's picture and you will know what I think of his direction. Betv/een the two: Maurice Chevalier and Eddie Cantor who is the better artiste and who has the greater draw? Eddie Cantor beats Chevalier in both things. From: Miss R. A. M. (Indore). J learn that Barua is in love with Jamuna. How far is this rumour true? It is not a rumour it is a fact. He is in love with her work and so am I. Being the niece of Tagore, is Devika Rani not rich enough to serve her husband? Then why does she work in pictures? Because it is richer to do so. Besides, by working in the films, she serves her husband better. You see, her husband is a producer. From: Y. S. Patel (Bombay). In which picture has Maya Bannerjee acted her best? In "Jagirdar" she gave a pretty good performance But thereafter she seems to have somehow become stale. From: Dilip S. Dani (Godhra). / want to know whether Jayshree Films exists at present. Yes, in our memory and stares at us in our account books. From: Mohd. Shaft" (Port Blair — Andamans). // you were a Mahomedan with Urdu as your favourite language, would you have preferred Prabhat pictures in Hindi? Admitting that Prabhat pictures are weak in this section of production, what makes you presume that Urdu is not my favourite language. I consider Urdu to be the most beautiful language in the world. It has a word for every expression of the mind, and the heart and romance cannot get a better tongue than Urdu. As regards my being a Mahomedan, though 1 am born a Hindu, Islam is as near my heart as my own religion. Someday, when you come down to Bombay, I might surprise you with my intimate knowledge of your religion. 21