FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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FILMINDIA August 1938 a cripple, has now no place to drive to in the evening and no occasion to clear his throat of the day's deposits. 10. Mr. Abdulally Eusufally, the partner of Khan Bahadur Ardeshar is still in a trance and keeps on asking what the name of his film company was. Retiring in the presence of the big man, Abdulally is to-day an eloquent poem of pregnant pathos. 11. Absent minded Gunjal comes every morning to direct a picture direct from his bed but wakes up when he knocks his head on the closed gates. Then h© goes home for a cup of tea. 12. Exactly 149 persons led by the young rebel Harbans, camp for two hours, every morning, shouting themselves hoarse for their salaries and savings. Only poor Bharucha's blood will allay that thirst. 13. That reminds me of Bharucha, silent, polite and strong — more sinned against than a sin 11th July 1936 11th July 1937 Xmas 1937 8th January 1938 About 12th May 1938 May 1938 to June 1938 12th July 1938 13th July 1938 14th July 1938 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 5-5 p.m. 15th July 1938 60 Mr. Mahomed Akbar Fazalbhoy, Mg. Director, Fazalbhoy Ltd., and General Films Ltd. Weight 230 lbs. Weight 200 lbs. Weight 180 lbs. Weight 240 lbs. Weight 200 lbs. Eyes staring, feet cold and general condition depressed. Weight 170 lbs. and 2 ounces. Other indications slightly improved. Weight 185 lbs. Weight 190 lbs. Weight 200 lbs. Weight 225 lbs. Weight 250 lbs. Weight out of question. Ear trouble and hands aching. Face flushed. A broad smile exposing teeth. ner — a shock-absorber between the boss and the staff — a gentleman always misunderstood, nevertheless faithful — a smiling friend who had the desire to help but not the power — the man who justified the numerous faults of his employers and gave them a complexion of virtue, stands alone to-day like Napoleon on the Island of Elba, looking back on the ruins of his ambition with a pang that excites sympathy from the brave. The film industry has not dealt fairly with old Bharucha That is my verdict and I don't expect fools to agree with it. t4. Two dogs, two cats and a deer are wondering where their old Khan Bahadur has gone. They look askance at Ratilal with tears in their eyes. More faithful than men, they consider it bad manners to tell Ratilal that they have not had anything to eat since the departure of the old man from the studio. They suffer in silence in direct contrast to some of the employees of the old Khan Bahadur. What an example to the present day humanity! Akbar Fazalbhoy : (R.C.A. sales on top) (Worries of General Films) (Kardar cum Atorthy worries). (Chandrarao More released) Prabhat's injunction on Nandrekar. Interim period of uncertainty. ("Baghban" in the balance of fate and "Bauer" appendicitis). (1st day of the hearing of the notice of motion) (The 2nd day) 'The 3rd day of judgment) (Injunction refused). (Profuse telephonic congratulations and hand shakes). Probable Health Report of Mahomed ••• Weight varying between 180 and 200 lbs. with palpitation and fast pulse. ••• Weight 170 lbs. Eyes wide open. Heart beating at intervals. Pulse feeble.