FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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September 1938 fight for years against this type of anti-Indian propaganda. No better exhibition of patriotism can be given than this. The shame of our nation is being brought home to us by a son of the soil. But the Congressmen of the country shall not sleep. The Hon. Mr. K. M. Munshi shall wake up the censors and ban the picture. The Censor Board must call for the original copy of the picture and not the doctored Indian version. The copy that spread the poison should be seen before the picture is allowed to screen in India. This is how the Germans, who enjoyed our hospitality, have insulted us. Another example of German courtesy is described ■elsewhere in this issue. Will Indians take a beating from every foreigner that comes along? Let us wait and see! "DRUM" ANOTHER ANTI-INDIAN FILM Alexander Korda, that Continental god father of the British Film Industry has gone out and produced "The Drum" with Sabu, the Indian, in the lead. Korda's efforts to revitalize the British film industry have not been successful so far. Inspite of the quota act the Americans have given a good beating to Korda and those British producers who think that they can produce saleable and popular pictures. In his efforts to produce saleable pictures, Korda has produced "The Drum" at the expense of India and her hallowed traditions. "The Drum" is an argument for the British policy in the North West Frontier Provinces. It is anti-Indian in spirit and there is enough suggestive material in the picture, if viewed with the correct nationalist angle which would justify a ban by the censors. Like "The Charge of the Light Brigade" it is a shameful fling at the Frontier Pathans who, FILMINDIA poor souls, do not even know how they have been defamed and exposed to ridicule. Dr. Khan Saheb, the enlightened Congress Premier of the North— Western Frontier Province ought to take notice of this dirty propaganda that is being carried on against his men and insist on the Congress High Command to ban at least "The Drum" and stop further malice and defamation of a brave and chivalrous race of men. Elsewhere we are publishing an Englishman's appreciation of "The Drum" and cautious though it is, it lets the cat out of the bag sufficiently for India to know how the breeze has been blowing. THE TICKET FOR INDIANS! Foreigners have been so much in the news of late due to their native arrogance that it would be worthwhile knowing how they treat us when we visit their lands. Mr. Rewashankar Pancholi, Proprietor of Empire Talkie Distributors, Agent of R.C.A. and R.K.O. Radio Pictures, has recently returned from a short trip to America. Addressing the Bengal Film Journalists' Association Mr. Pancholi has given expression to a very significant statement: "It is now practically impossible for us to do directly any business in America. The simple reason being that an Indian is not allowed to stay in America more than sixty days." If Indians cannot stay in America for more than 60 days how is it that Americans can stay as long as they like in India, do what they like, say what they like and trample on our self-respect as they like? Supposing this Sixty days' rule was to be enforced in India, then no American would be here on the 61st day. As a retaliation the Congress Government in India ought to think of some sort of a measure which will meet the Americans half way in their arrogance. 5