FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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Notes & News MOVIES SEEN AS EQUIVALENT TO COLLEGE COURSE Dixie Dunbar, has a new "slant" on Hollywood. She is convinced that four years in picture are equal to a like number of years in college or university. She bases her observation on a remark once made by William James to the effect that the chief value of college training lay in the fact that it taught a person to recognize a good man when he sees one. Try to Bluff Through "On that score," she declares, "Hollywood would rank among the world's top ten if it were a university. But it is a place where the rewards for success are so great that thousands, with little or no talent are attracted. Many of them realise that their talents are limited, with the result that they try to bluff their way through. "In such a situation, a person would be in a terrific quandary if he weren't able to distinguish the RAI SAHEB CHUNI LALL Mrs. YAMUNABAI HIRLEKAR Mrs. Yamunabai Hirlekar M.A., has made history by her Minute of Dissent published in the Report of the Adult Education Commiteee. Her suggestions to reorganise the present Department of Visual Instruction deserve second thought by all those who believe in the method of visual instruction. The Government of Bombay deserve congratulations for their wise selection ot Rai Saheb Chuni Lall as a member of the Bombay Board of Film Censors. The Rai Saheb represents the interests of Motion Picture Industry of India and by virtue of his rich experience in all the departments of the industry, we could not have desired for a better person to advocate our rights and grievances. A skilled parliamentarian, Rai Saheb Chuni Lall will prove himself immensely useful to the Government and to the industry alike. It is hardly necessary to mention that he is the business genius behind the glorious success of the Bombay Talkies Ltd. real artists from the bluffers. And if you stay around Hollywood you don't limit yourself to being able to recognize genuine talent. You learn to spot the 'phonies' practically the minute you see them." Must Learn Many Things "Of course." she adds, "what William James really meant was that college gives one discrimination, teaches him how to place a proper appraisal on value. "Hollywood does that, too, in a wide variety of subjects. The successful actress must know a my riad of things. She practically has to be an expert on diction, fashions, hair styles, customs and manners. "Her work gives her a knowledge of photography, sound and the several" other technical elements that enter into the making of pictures." NEW PROCESS FOUND IN SCREEN FILMING What is purported to be the nearest approach to practical stereoscopic photography ever achieved in Hollywood is claimed by its inventor, Joe Valentine, AS.C. Achieved through the use of an adapter which employs filters, the nature of which Valentine will not divulge, the stereoscopic quality of the photography is quite evident, giving foreground objects almost complete separation from the background. Valentine is employing the new method of photography on Deanna Durbin's current production, "That Certain Age." Rushes already photographed are startling, studio officials claim. Mr. HO MI M. MISTRY This 19-year old recruit to film art is the worthy son of an illustrious father — Mr. M. L. Mistry, F.R.P.S. (London). Like the father, the son has now proceeded to Los Angeles to study Sound Engineering and Film Craft. Handsome and intelligent, we hope young Homi doesn't bring back a Hollywood beauty to India when he returns with other equipment. 33