FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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FILMINDIA October 1938 on hand. This creates clash of ideas and both the clients suffer in value and service. Good advertising firms observe this as a principle while big advertising clients insist upon this as a condition. That is real business. In India, one advertising agency carries sometimes over six competitive producers at a time, three out of which invariably screen their pictures simultaneously with the result that the same advertising agency doles out stale copies from day to day for different pictures. A foolish and suicidal procedure but there are still producers in the present progressive times, who follow it. And that is why producers spend more money and get less result. Advertising to prove paying must have its individual brilliance and originality and the agent must have only a single picture to think of new advertising ideas. At present in Bombay there is a big shortage of good publicity men. The only man who has recently impressed me with good publicity is the fellow who did the newspaper publicity of "Poornima", the latest Prakash picture. Ranjit had a good opening shot for "Gorakh Aya". Sagar's publicity for "Jagirdar" was also a landmark, while the terrific hullabaloo over "Kisan Kanya" would be long remembered. But barring these few instances Indian pictures do not get good publicity, though quite a good amount of money is often spent by producers. What we want now is new publicity men and they must be trained men and not mere scribblers. I know one man writing 'copy' for five companies, a sort of a wholesale merchant in trite catch lines written on shirt cuffs. That man is making good money, seeing that he doesn't actually deserve one tenth of what he gets now, but the producers are losing a fortune every month in newspaper publicity at the hands of a useless man. On an average a big Indian studio spends over Rs. 50,000 per year on newspaper publicity. HoUywood pays that amount to one man, who would be placed at the head of the publicity department merely to think of new ideas. Indian producers must learn to spend and buy efficient original talent. AN APPEAL TO RAI SAHEB CHUNI LALL. Affairs at the Motion Picture Society of India do not seem to be very smooth, if some of the reports