FilmIndia (May-Dec 1938)

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November 1938 FILM INDIA From: A. V. Gandhi (Bombay). Who is the Mae West of India? In certain respects, Rampyari and in others Yasmin. Now don't ask for further explanations. What are the ages of Sulochana, Sitara, Yasmin, Kanan, Ratan Bai, Leela Desai, Kamlesh Kumari and Madhuri? All women well, all are under 16 — Don't believe it if you don't want to, but don't say so loudly. From: H. U. Rahman (Port BlairAndamans). Those numerous readers of the popular "filmindia" in the Andamans would very much like to see their "Home" on the screen. Why not induce some producing company to shoot a picture here. The natural scenery here is marvellous and we shall render every help. I don't know whom I can induce to go to Andamans, of all places, though a few of our producers are ripe enough to go there. We have however one enterprising producer in Mr. Bhavnani who goes to the jungles and other corners of the world. If he knows that you are ready to receive him he might do the trick. But are there any jungles on your island? Bhavnani's "Zambos" will want the correct atmosphere. From: Shewa L. Nawani (Karachi). When every magazine prints the photographs of Leela Desai, how is that you don't? Ask this question to Leela. Probably she hasn't got a photograph good enough for "filmindia". We don't publish bad photographs. We insist on good prints. Which do you consider to be the better picture between "Baghban" and "Dharati Mata"? "Dharati Mata". Why do pictures like "Vidyapati", "Manzil" and "Mukti" fail at the box-offices? Because these are pictures for the intellectuals. In India, even after 25 years of film making, box-office is spelt "masses". The masses fail to understand the elevating message in such soaring pictures. From: H. S. Madhav Rao (Honnajipet). I am a graduate of the Mysore University having a good personality and intend to embrace the cinema lines. Embrace it with all the strength and warmth at your disposal. Who can stop you? From: Hari S. Sahai (Bhagalpur). I am thinking of marriage. Are you married? Then what do you advise me? There is nothing wrong In merely thinking of marriage Theory is often more comfortable than practice. I have been married 20 years to-day and I sincerely advise you not to commit the mistake I did. And for giving this sincere advice to you I might be getting into hot water. From: Prem Kant (Gulbarga). Who is the best villain and who is the best hero in our films? Considering recent performances and versatile talents, Baburao Pendharkar should be the best "villain", while Prithviraj ought to be considered the best "hero". From: K. D. Ananthani (Tanga — E. Africa). At what time of the day are films shot in the studios? Generally during the day — say from 10 a.m. to 6-30 p.m. Sometimes, at night if special effects are desired or if the studio has a number of pictures on hand simultaneously. From: Krishna Chunder (Bangalore). What do you think of Sohrab Mody? Will you introduce me to him when I come to Bombay? Mr. Sohrab Mody is one of those rare gentlemen actors we have. I shall introduce you to him with the greatest pleasure and once you meet him, you will also be pleased. From: Rameshwar Dayal (Allahabad). I am going to open a soap factory. Will the film actresses become my customers and use my soap? That will depend on the exact cleansing quality of the soap tablet you manufacture. From: N. P. Chitale (Chiplum). What do you think of Irene Dunne? Will you give me her screen career in brief? Irene Dunne is a very good artiste and has a wonderful poise. She has worked in a number of good pictures. Some of her pictures which I liked are as follows: "Cimarron", "The Great Lover", "Married in Haste", "Back Street", "Stingaree", "Roberta", "Magnificent Obsession," "Show Boat'", "Theodora Goes Wild" and "The Awful Truth". From: P. V. Narasimha Rao (Rajahmundry). With whom should I correspond to get some books on film editing and audiography? If the Motion Picture Society of India does not help you in this, you can always write to "filmindia". Remember, "filmindia" always helps. In this very issue a book on "Sound Engineering" has been reviewed. From month to month, we shall review other books. I advise you to follow these reviews and order the books directly from the publishers, but don't forget to mention "filmindia" when you do so. Where is D. Billimoria of Imperial fame? He is producing his own picture in association with Miss Sulochana and under the trade name 21