FilmIndia (1939)

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tnuary 1939 FILM INDIA me. And all this money goes out of our couny as most of these cards are imported from >reign countries. I request my readers to look at this problem om the correct angle. On me alone over five jndred rupees have been spent — an expense hich has brought no practical benefit either to e or to my unknown friends. There are thounds of others in this country who are more podar. If all their friends choose to express their Imiration and regard by a single 'Xmas card ■sting four annas, several millions of our Indian oney will go to other countries. Do we get anything thereby? We merely ovide more capital to foreigners which capital ey reinvest to exploit us further. While they in, we always lose. Why should we play this sing game, by attaching to our sentiment an expression of luxury which is foreign in its very conception? Silent good wishes backed by sincerity are always more valued than these gilded expressions of stock phrases which mean nothing and cost us so much of our hard earned money. If every reader of mine wishes me really well, I would request him to get me a couple of his friends as subscribers for "filmindia". Nothing could be a better expression of their appreciation of my services than this and my prosperity for the New Year will be better assured, because it will then depend on the sincerity of my readers and not on the cold printed phrases on the 'Xmas and New Year Cards. Let us all begin the New Year as more responsible Indians. BABURAO PATEL. Oem03on ACTIVE OXYGEN CREAM A series of experiments on skin bleaching have shown that all organic colouring matter reacts to the bleaching action of Oxygen. This principle is utilised in a very judicious manner in preparing an Ozonised Cream under the name of CREMOZON. Each far of CREMOZON liberates about 200 cubic centimetres of fresh active Oxygen which acts on the pigment and gradually bleaches the same, thereby making the skin permanently several shades fairer. The presence of other useful emolients in CREMOZON makes it exceedingly useful in removing freckles, black heads and sunburn. CREMOZON is highly antiseptic thereby destroying germs which cause skin diseases. AT ALL CHEMISTS AND STORES OR FROM Ri 3-8 COSMETIC DEPT., "CIPLA". BOMBAY 8. 5