FilmIndia (1939)

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anuary 1939 'rom: A. Krishnarao (Nagpur). Why is Master Vithal called the "Indian Douglas"? We don't believe in whys. I know half-a-dozen girls who are occasionally called the "Greta Garbos" of India — and one particular girl was called Greta Garbo, Norma Shearer and Lupe Velez, all at the same time. Surely a freak creation of the publicity manager! Don't you think that Americans should retaliate by calling Doug. Fairbanks the "Master Vithal of Hollywood"? rom: B. Maniram (Durban). I would be extremely glad to obtain the photos f Madhuri and Mollina! How shall I proceed? I don't know the exact route from your place to India but I think Thos. Cook will help you in this respect, that is if you want to come over this side for the photos. After arrival you have to call on the girls, but after that I don't think you will have reason to be "extremely glad". You might probably forget to ask for the photos. Seeing them off screen is not much of an alluring prospect. Another simpler way is to write to these girls asking for an autographed photo, and if you manage to catch their eye with something interesting in your writing, you might get the photos! FILMINDIA From: R. ?. Melhotra (Cawnpore). What about Mira Devi of "Vachan" fame? What about her? She is Mira Alexander, young, attractive, bashful if necessary, a good hostess, serves tea gracefully to the guests, adds an extra spoon of sugar and punctuates her talk with an occasional glad-eye. Quite a good girl and I like her. And so will you if you meet her only once. In addition she sings and dances well and what's more, works well. But she is married, if that interests you! Her husband's name is Ram Nath Singh. He is at Allahabad and studying law. That sounds risky! Doesn't it? I was vcrv much affected by the film "Vachan". Why so? You must have broken your promise to someone and the scenes in the picture probably reminded you of "her" and your "beastly" behaviour. Now go and make up otherwise you will have a "breach-of-promise-to marry" suit on hand. From: T. P. C. Abdul Cader (Mahe). What are the relations between Bibbo and Prabha? Are they married? GIFTS OF SHEEli I) K LIGHT Whether for X'Mas Presents or New Year's Gifts Inspect our interesting stock Carved Ivory, Sandalwood, Walnut &. Camphor wood Boxes Best carved Jade A other Stoneware. Mahjong Sets, Kashmere Embroideries, Papiermachie. Persian and Indian Carpets, Plain & Printed Silks, Sarees, Borders, Silverware 61 jewellery. BOT BARGAINS IN X ' ?\ \ S 5 A I. ]• AT POHOOMULL B ROS., 1 India) 275 Hornby Road Fort, BOMBAY 19