FilmIndia (1939)

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mm orraine Carb ons Give Luminous, Stable LighK Cielor: For Low Intensity Arc Lamp 8 to 25 Amps. s^lsj Coppered Carbons X" Mirrolux: Low and high intensity arc Lamps . 25 to 6o Amps. Orlux: For high intensity arc Lerrps AO to 250 Amps. Sole Agents: — ChifTianlal Desai <Sk Cov Goo\ Mansion, Homji Street, Bombay Calcutta: 54, Benlick Street 8 0 A NO-IPS Madras: Colombo: 6, Sankurama Chetty Street Anrnscor Budding, Main Street Northern India: Desai &• Co., (Agents) The Vail, Lahore Rangoon: ■ 197, Barr Street In 1939 New Radio Series Before you buy a Radio don't miss to see It stands Lat the top of all. Available for AC, AC/DC and for AC Battery 1 6 volt car battery) with Magic eye and entrancingly beautiful wooden cabinet (Swiss made1. PAILLARD 7 tube Superheterodyne Outstanding features: 7 tube IIO to 25oV Ao/60 cycle. 8 speaker, wavebands 13 to 570 meters ensure reception of all Indian stations besides foreign, clear and loud. AC/DC acclaimed as better than any other AC/DC receiver on the market. Wanted Distributors : • INTERNATIONAL RADIO Opp. Marine Lines Station, : P. O. Box 486 Tel. 2249C Sole Distributors; COMPANY. Queens Road BOMBAY. TeUgrams: ' GRAMORADIO"