FilmIndia (1939)

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FILM INDIA January 1939 Interviewed by the Italian correspondent of "filmindia" His Excellency Dino Alfleri, the Cultural Minister expressed the determination of his government to stop the drain of huge profits collected by the foreigners, and especially by the American distributors ana compel them to invest the same in the Italian film industry. With 200 films shown every year In Italy, the profits of the American distributors amount to between fifty and sixty million Lire. Italy's annual requirement is about 300 films, out of which 200 are supplied by the Americans, 40 are locally produced and the remaining 60 are imported from other Continental countries. The Italian Government has created a new concern called the E.N.I.C. (Ente Nazionale Industrla Cinematographica) which works in co-operation with the Propaganda Ministry to buy over the foreign pictures by giving away a fixed price of one million dollars. His Excellency Dino Alfieri stoutly denied that the new measure was intended to strike directly at SUBSCRIBERS' PRIZE SCHEME As we are still receiving a number of coupons for subscription, we cannot announce the winning numbers in this issue. The numbers will, however, be announced in the February issue. the American film industry, as it was mainly enforced to support the Indigenous film industry and to prevent the flight of capital from the country. Writing in an Italian paper, Vittorio Mussolini, the eldest son of the Duce says: "Personally and politically, I am glad that American films produced in that Jewish-Communist centre of Hollywood will no longer enter Italy, but I should like to see the provisions to meet the situation put into force by our monopoly". Cur Provincial Governments who* now enjoy the power of enforcing the quota system, should seriously consider enacting some definite legislation to prevent the foreigners taking away our money — a handsome annual gift — from our country. H ear the MELODIOUS and Enchanting Songs of PR ABHAT'S Nightingale and Parshuram milk BalaUram IN Y SON" M. P. 567 to 569 o n Young India Records Mrs. Shanta Hublikar For free catalogues and particulars please see our authorized dealers or write to: — THE NATIONAL GRAMOPHONE RECORD MANUFACTURING CO., LTD 110, MEDOWS STREET, FORT, BOMBAY 6 k Telegram.: "TANSEN" Telephone No. y."Jt81 ♦ Factory at ♦ \V VI) VI V (BOMBAY) 38