FilmIndia (1939)

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January 1939 FILMINDIA PARAMOUNT FILM CO.: "Midnight Man" directed by Kikubhai Desai has brought home very good reports of succcess not only from Bombay but from Delhi and other distant places regarding its box-office merits. "Madhu Bansari" is the next item on the programme of releases and the picture will take about a month more to be completed. Under the capable direction of Mr. Nanubhai Vakil, Sarojini who is featuring in the picture is reported to have given a very good performance. In addition to all these the studios are busy with "Amazon" 'Golden Gang" and "Adventures of Sheik Challi". MOHAN PICTURES: Director K. Amarnath has completed "Midnight Mail", a mystery thriller featuring Yasmin, Gulab, tfazir and Indurani. It is shortly to be released In the city and the producers expect it to be a big sue :ess. Director A. M. Khan is busy with two pictures namely "Lady Davalier" and "Ransangram". Sverything seems to be in a joyful nood in the studio, as reports keep >n coming of the huge box-office •eturns of "Cyclewali". POONA SARASWATI CINETONE: Director Chowdhary is giving his final finishing touches to "It's True" a social picture with a theme centering around untouchability. The picture has some beautiful outdoors from Benares and Indian cine-goers would incidentally enjoy the privilege of a free pilgrimage when the scenes are unfolded on the screen. The other unit in the studio under the leadership of Mr. Nanasaheb Sarpotdar is busy with the shooting of "Bhagwa Zenda" a Maratha historical full of action and costumes. PRABHAT FILM CO: Director Kale's "My Son" which was released during the month at the Central Cinema in Bombay did not prove such a box-office draw as was expected. Affairs therefore at the studio are being very carefully planned for Mr. Shantaram's next picture. Director Shantaram is taking up a social story written by Mr. A. Bhasker Rao with dialogues from Mr. Kanekar. Mr. Shantaram expects to give a powerful social story to the numerous Prabhat fans. KOLHAPUR HUNS PICTURES: "Brahmachari" is running like a mad riot in the city carrying everything before it to a huge success. Apart from the commercial profits earned by the company, Director Vinayak has become the popular hero in the eyes of the people, attracting attention wherever he moves in Bombay or Poona. In keeping with this new found reputation as a good director he has once again done the double by giving another sensationally good picture in "Devata" produced with a story of Mr. Khandekar. All those who saw the preliminary trials of "Devata" have indulged in unanimous praise and with excusable exaggeration. The next item on the production programme of Huns is called "Search for Happiness", the story of which is written by Khandekar again. ARUNA PICTURES: Researsals of "Netaji Palkar" bave now been completed and the picture has gone into shooting in the last week of the last month. The musical portion of this picture is reported to be very attractive and adding to it the usual di Photo taken on the occasion of Mr. Goyder's visit to the Abdulla Fazalbhoy Institute, Bombay. From left to right: 1. Mr. M. A. Fazalbhoy, 2. Mr. C. W. Goyder (Chief Engineer, All India Radio), 3. Mr. Y. A. Fazalbhoy, 4. Rev. Father Palacios S.J., (Principal, St. Xavier's College), 5. Mr. A. G. Bhate (Secretary of the Institute). 51