FilmIndia (1939)

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♦ Bombay Calling r litis section is the monopoly of "JUDAS" and he writes what he likes and about thing's which he likes. The views expressed here are not necessarily onrs, but still they carry weight because they are written by a man who Knows his job. RDAR OF THE INDUSTRY We do not like to use foreign parallels when we /e in our country men who even without the luck 1 opportunities of those foreign dictators like ler, Mussolini and Stalin, have in them the power sway the nation with their utter sincerity and xiotism. One of such great men is Sardar Vallabhli Patel a symbol of discipline and power, in grim •suit of the patriotic ideal of liberating our coun To us the Sardar is worth more than all those fo>n dictators put together. The Sardar is also 3wn for quick decision and grim determination. In the last one month the industry has jumped ear ahead in activities. A month back men were ;ping and things were lg in a dull stupor. Then ne the eloquent and stirg appeal of Mr. Chanlal Shah to all in the lustry to wake up and JBebrate the Silver Julee of the Indian film lustry. Mr. Shah wantto vindicate the pross of 25 years by anising a stunning >w that would take the ath away from our foreign competitors and open eyes of the authorities and the people by stressthe importance of the film industry in the life of ation which is still groaning under the shackles foreign bondage. In a day things changed, and the irresistible ensiasm of Mr. Shah took the others by storm and h a submission and unity unknown to them bethey all fell in a line to make the Silver Jubilee ibrations a grand success. Meetings upon meetings, for the first time fully ded. were convened. Complete unanimity ruled 1 decisions were taken and resolutions were passed, ss sheets went out to the papers with hot news of activities and the industry began to throb once in with new life. All under the Chairmanship ot Chandulal Shah, who ruled out objections with left gesture that would do honour to Chanakya. was some achievement to bring together the difnt warring elements who had constantly quar • ;d amongst themselves goaded by jealousy, under banner of a common celebration. Sardar Chandulal Shah The recent press communique issued by the Government of India, right in the wake of a deputation that waited upon the Hon. Commerce Member, Sir Mahomed Zafarulla Khan under the guidance of Mr. Chandulal Shah is the direct result of the agitation and propaganda by the Indian Motion Picture Con • gress. Let us go a little behind the scenes to give our compliments to the man who deserves them for these unique results. When the proposal of leading a deputation to the Hon. Commerce Member came up for discussion before the Executive Committee of the. Motion Picture Congress, the majority, not realizing the far reaching importance of such propaganda, seemed definitely set up against the idea. And for two hours the pros and the cons were discussed with no decision. It was the moment for a strong man to step in with grim determination. Mr. Chandulal Shah stepped in and in doing so stepped on the opposition, with the result that the deputation was ultimately led with such significant and important result as is embodied in the press communique of the Government of India. We are sure that Sardar Chandulal Shah will make the Silver Jubilee Celebrations a success, even if it comes to only one man doing it. That is grim determination and sincerity of purpose. Are we wrong in calling him the Sardar of the Indian film industry? HULLO! DR. GILDER? Once again we find an unholy mess in the timings of our cinema shows. Since the order of the Commissioner of Police to close down all the cinemas in the city by 12-45 a.m., the timings of the shows have become so erratic and unregulated that it is almost next to impossible for the audiences to arrive in good time for any show. The first matinee show on holidays starts anywhere between 1-30 and 2-30. The variations in this range are 1-45, 2, 2-15. The usual first show on a week day starts between 4 and 5-15. The second show shifts between 7-15 and 8 p.m., while the last show may begin anywhere between 9-45 and 10-30 p.m. A collection of the advertisements for the shows gives the following timings: 1-30, 1-45, 2, 2-15, 2-30; 4, 4-15, 4-30, 4-45, 5, 5-15; 7-15, 7-30, 7-45, 8; 9-30, 9-45, 10, 10-15, 10-30. It is just mere luck that they don't begin a show at 10-35i minutes. 9