FilmIndia (1939)

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. EDITOR'S mfllL Headers "when you are luorried " write to me. I will do my best in serving you. Serious matters will be treated seriously, while Hippant letters ivill receive like replies. — The Editor. m: P. Kesava Rao (Masulipatam). May I know why Motilal left Sagar and Rajkuri left New Theatres? Where are they now? To better their prospects. Motilal is now with the Sudama Productions, a company started by Badami and Sabita Devi in association with the Ranjit Film Company. Rajkumari worked in a couple of Ranjit pictures and has returned to Calcutta, probably into retirement from the screen. tm: L. B. Garden (Bhagalpur). Why did Sabita leave Sagar? To start her own production company. She seems to be following iri~ the footsteps of Miss Gohar. But will she get Gohar's luck? Besides, Gohar had a better equipment in herself being a great emotional star and in Sardar Chandulal Shah a good director and clever businessman. Sabita has only Badami as the director. I have never seen Jamuna singing in any film. i so? If you have seen "Adhikar", you must be sleeping when Jamuna sang a good song in a Balinese tune, or you have not seen "Adhikar". See it and then ask me another. >m: B. V. C. Rudrappa (Doddaballapur). If I request Kanan Bala for an original photo of will she send one? What is wrong with requesting? Do so, by all means. Your name however is not an encouraging recommendation nor is the town. By the way, where is this town of yours? »m: R. K. Mahandroo (Benares). Where is Vasanti nowadays? You will soon see her in "Sant Tulsidas" produced by Ranjit Movietone and you will perhaps say that she has never been better before. im: J. Prakash (Lucknow). Which is the better picture: Vidyapati or Adhi 9 Both were very good pictures. The first one was philosophy brought to life, the other was life philosophized. Devaki Bose began with a vision while Barua led up to one. Is it true that Barua and Jamuna are married to each other? Not yet' From: N. Chiranjeevi Rao (Waltair). I have a good personality and I can sing in Hindi, Telugu and English. I want to act as a hero with Shanta Apte. What shall I do? Shanta Apte also sings in Tamil and Marathi. And recently she has picked up a couple of Marwari songs. You learn all that and apply to the Prabhat Film Company and then wait for luck. From: B. N. Shukla (Rajnandgaon). I love Kanan very much and want her photograph. I wrote eight letters to her and sent her five annas in stamps for postage. But she didn't reply. What shall I do? One must sacrifice at least five annas for love. But if you are already disillusioned, then file a suit for recovering those five annas with costs. You can also add damages for upsetting the mental balance. From: K. Shiv Shanker Rao (Shimoga). Animals play leading roles in many films. Whom are we to admire; the animals, the director, the story writers or the other artistes? Admire the animals, please. Simply because being animals they cannot be directed by our directors and therefore they give a good natural performance. I find high sounding articles written by Pramilia in some weekly rags. Who is this girl and where is she working? And who is the other one — Romilla? Pramilia has an obsession that she can write. She probably acquired this when she was a school teacher. Writing is her hobby and no one can stop her from pursuing it. Pramilia is now working with Wadia Movietone, in "Jungle King". Romilla is her younger sister and works with the Mohan Sound Studios, Andheri. Both are nice enthusiastic artistes. Where is Keshavrao Date now? He is playing a splendid character role in "gint Tulsidas" produced by Ranjit Movietone, 15