FilmIndia (1939)

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[arch 1939 FILM INDIA i?rom: N. R. Kannan (Jubbulpore). What is your opinion of "Awakening" produced Mr. Bhavnani? From what I remember now, I think it was a pretty good picture. The pity however is that Bhavnani never cared to produce anything better since then — not even as good. I reviewed the picture in the December 1936 issue of "filmindia" and you can read what I then said, if you have the copy. From: A. C. Sinha (Katihar). Who is the most melodious from the following: Saigal, Surendra, K. C. Dey and Pahari Sanyal? Saigal is easily the most melodious. K. C. Dey is easily the most musical. Between Pahari and Surendra, Pahari is the better singer. ^rom: T. S. D. S. Gour (Jubbulpore). Is Saigal married? If so, does his wife entertain rim with songs? Yes. he is a married man. As regards the other part, I think Saigal must be singing for her entertainment to the tune she calls. It is usually so with married people. They have either to sing to a tune or dance attention. with the stars in Bombay and Calcutta. Will you print an appreciative article from me? Don't be parochial? I am not a priest to stick to a parish. I am a journalist and if you give me some good stuff I shall certainly print it, especially so when it is about a girl with an angelic voice. I hope she looks like an angel too. Much of the fun would however be lost if she tries to live up to one. By the way, I like the way you have described the Andhra producers. Being of the same province you enjoy the privilege. I don't. From: Hari Shanker (Agra). Fascinated by the charm of Miss Meera in "Vachan", I sent her a silver medal with names engraved as a present. She however did not acknowledge it. I am in a suspense as to whether my present had a warm reception or otherwise. Could you tell me what to think of the reception — a warm or a cold one? Luke warm, sonny. And that is because the medal was of silver. And you say you engraved 'names' on it. What names did you call her? Try it again with a gold medal and if Meera doesn't acknowledge that gift, I shall pull her ears and send you an action photograph of the same. From: Indira Kumari (Anantpur). The Andhra producers are not telling you about Andhra stars. It is extremely stupid of them. The best star is Kanchanmala. She has an angelic voice. I am sure that she will hold her own in comparison From: D. Shridhar (Gwalior). I have seen "Brahmachari" several times and yet I want to see it again and again. Why? You have probably seen Meenakshi in that bathing costume. She is a good tease. Isn't she? Damuanna Malwanker and Sardar in "Devata" a Marathi social picture produced by Huns and now running at the West End Talkies, Bombay. 17