FilmIndia (1939)

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Sardar Chandulal Shah Hits Out ! Advocates Drastic Measures Against Anti-Indian Pictures trie fou\na£tit4 to tfame the, Ration Appeaid to "We would willingly shake hands with the foreign producers as friends on the same plane of culiture and understanding. But we jare certainly not prepared to tolerate any insults wantonly flung at our prestige and nationalism as has unfortunately been done in pictures like "The Charge of the Light Brigade", "Bengal Lancers" and "The Drum". "The present awakening amongst our people and their grim struggle for nationalism carried out in a way entirely different from methods of coercion practised hitherto, has made India good news for exploitation all over the world. But I cannot for the frorld of me understand how a riendly people like the Americans toop so much for their commer:ial instincts as to trade in a na;ion's prestige and revile its pat•iotism, merely to earn some dolars. Why should an industrialized irt like film production be made a land-maid of imperialism and potties? Isn't it wise to keep polices out of production? "I should like to warn the alien )roducers that those old days vhen India took everything lying lown are now gone. If the foreigners have not yet realized the ;xact temper in which our nation s at present, they will soon do so vhen the big yard-stick comes out. Dreadful diseases need drastic renedies and one day India will lave to use time-worn methods for )ld ills and that day it will be perlaps too late to claim our friendhip", said Sardar Chandulal J. 5hah. Chairman of the Reception Committee of the Indian Motion 'icture Congress and Vice President of the Indian Motion Picture 'roducers' Association in a press nterview. Filmindia's Services Appreciated "I welcome the lead given oy "Filmindia" in the matter of these anti-Indian pictures and appreciate its success in securing a ban on "The Drum", in different provinces. Some of the daily papers who supported this agitation also deserve our thanks. But I do not approve of half-hearted and weakkneed decisions by certain provm 1 Sardar Chandulal Shah, Chairman of the Reception Committee, Indian Motion Picture Congress. ces in case of "The Drum". In the matter of national prestige there should not be any communal or party aspect and there should not be any half-measures. The pictures that offend our national pride should straightway be banned without the slightest consideration for the feelings of those producers who choose to offend our country without any provocation. "Every Indian must put down his head in shame when he realizes that this dirty propaganda against us is being shamelessly broadcast in other parts of the world and we are unable to stop it. '•From the recent issue of "Filmindia". I understand that another scandalously anti-Indian picture in "Gunga Din" will be soon out on the screen. If this picture is really bad, the most drastic measures must be taken to stop the release of such pictures not only in India but also in other parts of the world. Ultimatum to the Foreign Producers "If these foreign producers are given an ultimatum to withdraw such pictures from the world markets, on the pain of all their pictures being banned in our country, they wiil csme to their senses. Spain did it when Paramount threatened to release "The Devilish Woman", portraying the character of a Spanish woman in loose colours with the result that the negative of the picture had to be burnt in the presence of Spanish authorities. "Even a small State like Bulgaria delivered an ultimatum to the American producers in case or "Paris Honeymoon". "Drop Bulgaria out of your pictures or we throw your pictures put of Bulgaria" was the ultimatum given by the Bulgarian Minister. The producer had to do so as he was anxious to keep the Bulgarian market. • : "Can't we also do so when the different governments under the present semblance of Provincial autonomy enjoy the power to deliver the ultimatum. No producer in the world, however big, can afford to lose the entire India as a market. "T welcome the action recent-' ly taken by the President of the (Contniued on page 64) 23