FilmIndia (1939)

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/ice President of the Motion Picture Society Slashes Foreign Producers for Anti-Indian Films. lai XaPiib &umi£at 6on^iaMatei 111 ill India 3o4 "®Aum" Agitation "I have read the article on that :andalously anti-Indian picture 3unga Din" appearing in the ebruary issue of "filmindia" with jry grave concern and in my opinion every possible effort should ? made by individuals and by in.itutions to counter-act such an oominable anti-Indian propagana launched with fiendish consisticy by the foreign producers", lid Rai Saheb Chuni Lall, Vice resident of the Motion Picture ociety of India In a recent press iterview "In these days of grim national,'m and with our country shoulering a great constitutional resonsibility, such dirty propaganda 1 India and other countries Is ound to affect all the future rospects of our country sitting In iual company with other nations f the world. "It is time for all of us to rise ke one man to express our utter isgust at such insidious attempts nd to voice with all the emphasis 't our command the intensity of Jur righteous indignation and our rim determination to stamp out lis propaganda with a firm hand. "Indian culture, Indian civilizaon and India's immortal tradlons have been abused time and gain by several foreign adventurrs who enjoy our hospitality uner the cloak of friendship but do ot forget to exploit every oppormity to scandalize a country that ives them quarter and good treatlent. in a way it is all the fault f our people who did not take ny stern action after pictures like India Speaks", "The Lives of a engal Lancer" etc., which were shibited in our country and elsehere. It is necessary, and It can o longer be delayed that the Rai Saheb Chuni Lall, Vice-President of the Motion Picture Society of India. country as a whole, should take serious notice of this objectionable policy of the foreign producers who seem to revel in their efforts to paint India as black as they could. Result of Filmindia's Agitation "Undoubtedly, it was due to the national awakening evident throughout the country during the course of the last few years that the public could put up such a bold front against the picture "The Drum" and it is really gratifying to see that as a result of the agitation against "The Drum", launched and carried out with remarkable tenacity by "Filmindia". the voice of the people made itself felt and the "Drum" was either banned in practically every territory or shown after cutting oft a substantial slice of 1500 feet. "The Drum" agitation proved an eye-opener to the foreign producers and they should now realise that India will not take any insults lying down in future. "It is my considered opinion that India should present a united front to stamp out this insidious propaganda in our country and in other parts of the world either by way of firm retaliation or by sympathetic approach to the authorities in power. "I congratulate the Hon. Mr. K. M. Munshi, the Home Minister to the Government of Bombay on his bold initiative against the picture "The Drum" and I hope he will once again give a lead in the matter of "Gunga Din". As one who Is vitally interested in the welfare of the motion picture industry in India, I can say that any move or any proposal that is launched to counteract, and to enforce retaliatory measures against such dirty propaganda through films, will have my whole-hearted and solid support. "It is the height of ingratitude on the part of the Americans to go out of their way to scandalise the country which has supported their own film industry for over 25 years. "Where is the sense in insulting a self-respecting nation and at the same time asking for sympathy and co-operation in commercial relations?" 25