FilmIndia (1939)

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Maich 1929 F I L M I X D 1 "I have to thank >ou for the agitation that you carried through • Film India" against the anti-national film "Drum '. It had come to Nagpur in the last month. The District Magistrate was pleased to accord sanction for its exhibition at the Regent Talkies. Xagpur. When we saw the trailer, we felt that the agitation against "Drum" was justified. After a little agitation the permission was withdrawn and the film could not be exhibited at Xagpur. -This offended the management of the Regent Talkies here and they managed to obtain permission for its exhibition to selected sentries of the city and they tried to elicit opinion in their favour. When I witnessed the whole of the film as was permissible, I was assured that the film was oppressive to our feelings and was in direct conflict to the high cherished ideals of Mother India. Criticism that was levelled against "Drum'' through the columns of "Film India" was true and justified to its very letter. • Personally I must thank you for it helped me a lot to have the correct appreciation of the film and write accordingly to the District Magistrate. I am glad to pen this letter for the permission sought for. was neither granted nor it seems likely that it will ever be granted at least under the present popular ministries". This letter by a respectable and responsible citizen of Xagpur proves to be an eye-opener. It shows too clearly the part played by :he Indian exhibitor in helping the foreigner to vilify India. The proprietor of the "Regent Talkies" is Mr. X. J. Xaidu. He has other cinemas in the town called "The Narsingh Talkies", "The Palace". etc.. where he shows Indian producers "jefore they supi a man, who would help to the country Its business had f his way and try D&.thy of others " may run and India | .-.ore? Sardar Chandulal Shah after his sensational and historic press lnferview on anti-Indian films must take up this matter before the panel of producers and condemn the action of the exhibitor. "Dreadful diseases need drastic remedies" said the Sardar. Well here is X. J. Xaidu suffering from a dreadful disease. And now Sardar. come out with the drastic remedy. X. J. Xaidu owes the nation an unconditional apology and his conscience and dormant patriotism must urge him to tender one without delay. After all to err is human and old Xaidu might have only erred. But let him say so. It will be manly and patriotic to do so. NOW IX THE SAMF BOAT The startling news of the month is the legal separation between Huns Pictures and Supreme Film Distributors of Bombay. The Huns people will not take any finance for their productions in future from Supreme. Finance, it is reported, has now been found in the family, as people say that the partners of Prabhat will in future finance all Huns pictures, which will in turn be distributed by the organization of Famous Pictures. This shoud have happened years ago. Xevertheless. the new combine is welcome even now. Bravo. Baburao Pai! His partnership in Prabhat has begun too well, seeing that affairs are being fast consolidated on a more stable basis and new friendships are being formed. Supreme, particularly Sardar Chandulal and Seth Chunilal. deserve congratulations on their sportsmanlike attitude in releasing Huns inspite of a long term contract. We wish the new combine a huge success. A PIOXEER DEPARTS We regret to report the unfortunate and premature death of Mr. A. Xarayan. the well-known pio neer in the South Indian film dustry on 18th February at 8 in t morning, at his residence in Pa Town in Madras. One of the m« enterprising film pioneers of rece times. Mr. Xarayan had expe ence In exhibition, distribution a production. He had travelled wic] ly in Europe and America and ev taken a fairly long training unc Carl Laemmlle Sr. in Hollyww) Some of the pictures which produced are "Dharmapatni", "V3 wamitra", "'Srinivasa Kalyanarl "Virata Parvam" etc. South India has lost a plonej while the Indian film industry ■ miss one of its main pillars. WE MOVRX WITH PRABHAT We regret to announce the sue den death of Mr. Ram Vankudr the younger brother of Mr. Shantaram, on the 25th Januarj 1939 after a very short illnesj Hardly out of his teens Mr. Rai was the chief of the Prabhat la boratory department and his p mature death removes from midst a skilled technician wh excellent work had earned an versal applause. Our sympat go with Mr. Shantaram and family. 28