FilmIndia (1939)

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FILMINDIA April "Life is For Living" is its name, of which incidentally, Shantaram himself knows very little. His friends say that he once went to Europe and didn't visit Paris. And that man is going to tell us how life is to be "lived". From: G. S. Chetty (Anantapur) Filmindia gives highly interesting news about Hindi films, but not about Telugu and Tamil pictures. Do you think that Hindi pictures are better? Certainly, to be accurate, a hundred times better. Some of the very good Telugu and Tamil pictures have been worse than the fourth rate Hindi pictures in technic and finish. About news, I have been asked a hundred times. The South Indian producers are so busy with their own 'affairs' that they have no time for news or newspapers. Surely, you don't expect papers to give news of people, who have yet to learn some primary fundamentals of modern business. Some of these South Indian producers are not industrialists, they are merely time servers with a "purpose." It pains me to say that, but some one must tell the truth some day if the South Indian film industry is at all to be noticed by the rest of India. Why don't the. prominent actresses marry? Probably they have no reason to. People do things to get things. From: M. Jahagirdar (Gadag) Is Surendra superior to Saigal in singing and acting? Ask me another. Surendra will blush when he reads this. By the way, stop reading "filmindia". You are wasting time and I am wasting my energy. From: Dr. Wazir Chand Chopra (Jullundur) How much money will Shanta Apte demand if I write to her for her photo? Exactly Rs. 2-8. A letter from her secretary will be sent free in addition. From: M. I. Saksena (Cawnpore) Is it necessary for artistes to observe celibacy in order to maintain his natural gifts in tact? No. It is however necessary to avoid over indulgence. Even the hero of "Brahmachari" (The Celibate)— Master Vinayak is a married man, with a child as evidence against celibacy. From: V. Ramadurai (Frode) Is Maya Bannerjee married? I don't know. They ought to know, 14 Which is the better picture between "SI Singer" and "Dhart-i Mata"? "Dharti Mata". From: Kumari Jagdish Kunwar (New Delhi) 8 "I was disappointed not to find my questions plied in your February issue. You give answer: all who threaten you. Because I am a girl you keeping quiet. If I don't find my answers in | March issue I shall take necessary steps to honour you". I am frightened Kumari, as your threat bri to mind the outburst of another young lach don't reply letters which don't bear the full . dress of the writer. Yours does not and sti( like your temper and I choose to get frighte of you and answer some of your questions be] Is Prem Adib Mahomedan? Yes. Who is the more handsome between Gul Has and Najam? Najam is. Gul Hamid was. Is Najamal Hussein the most handsome a<i in India? No. Why Maharashtrian artistes pronounce H and Urdu words miserably? Because their mother tongue is Marathi they have neither the patience nor the desin learn Hindi and Urdu. And unless they do 1 they will never meet with your approval. Why Kanan Bala is considered to be best sii among all the Maharashtrian actresses? Kanan Bala is not a Maharashtrian. Shi "Made In Bengal". She however comp; favourably with the Maharashtrian actre where singing is concerned. Why are people mad after New Theatres' sor Why don't they prefer the songs of the Mahara trian companies? Because the songs are attractively tuned 11 beautifully worded. The N. T. songs are wriWj and sung to make them popular. Others If songs because they have to be put in at cerlfi intervals. fail Reply all the questions in March issue witq|jji Now I have reolied to all your questior couldn't do so in the March issue your lejj reached me in the last week of February my March issue was ready then: It was not I