FilmIndia (1939)

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ilm floulnalids' Gssociation 0| Qvibia Sjt. Samaldas Gandhi Inaugurates The 1st Meeting Baburao Patel Elected The First President Story, Scenario And Dialogue Writers Can Become Members A Brotherhood Of Men Who Earn With The Pen Miss Mendonca And Mr. Abbas Elected Vice-Presidents "I am very pleased to preside over the first gene1 meeting of the Film Journalists' Association of dia as I feel that our film journalists are doing eir bit — and a large bit considering their present tivities — to take our country towards its triple goal independence — cultural, educational and political." "Film journalism is a specialized profession and eeds a precise study of art and its various facets, ith the present country-wide importance achieved the Indian film industry, it is proper that the film urnalists who have been rendering such yeomen rvices should band themselves together for the comon weal without forgetting their obligations to the dustry and to the country" said Mr. Samaldas andhi, Editor of 'Janmabhoomi' presiding at the eeting of the Film Journalists' Association of India eld at Mubarak Manzil, Fort. Bombay on the 16th arch at 6 p.m. A large gathering of local film journalists was resent for the meeting where the following office "arers were elected: — Mr. Baburao Patel (Editor. 'Filmindia') — Presidnt. Mr. K. A. Abbas, (Film Editor. 'Bombay Chronlle' i — Vice-President. Miss Clara Mendonca (Film Editress. 'Times of dia' and 'Evening News') — Vice-President. Members of the Executive Committee: Mr. Jitubhai Mehta, (Film Editor, 'Janmabhoomi') Mr. P. Venkatram, (Film Editor. 'Bombay Sentiel') Mr. Sadik, (Film Editor, 'Hindustan Prajamitra' nd Hind Praja') Mr. D. N. Nadkarni, (Film Editor. Free Press of ndia') Mr. B. Y. Marathe, (Film Editor, 'Mowj' and 'Prahat') Mr. Mehr Tarapore, Publicity Manager, Bombay Talkies Ltd. Mr. D. C. Shah, (Film Editor, Sunday Standard). Messrs. Mahomed Nazir, Editor of 'Mussavvir' and Bakoolesh were elected as Joint Hon. Secretaries while Mr. D. K. Parker was elected as the Hon. Treasurer. Mr. S. V. Kirparam, Editor of 'Movies', Delhi, was elected provincial representative for Delhi and U.P. Mr. Ram Bagai was elected as the Hollywood Representative of the Association. Mr. L. C. Bhalla, Editor of 'Movieland', was elected as provincial representative for Hyderabad and South, while Mr. Chandrashekhar, Editor of 'Dipali', was elected to represent the Association in Bengal. Mr. B. R. Oberoi, Editor of "The Cinema", Lahore was elected as representative of the Association in the Punjab. Mr. T. H. Suntoke B.A. (Hons.) LL.B., was appointed the Hon. Legal Adviser to the Association. Mr. P. C. Bhagwat was appointed as the Hon. Auditor. The Aims and Objects (1) The safeguarding of the profession; interests of the (2) The creating of a congenial atmosphere for more and better Indian Pictures through the medium of constructive criticism and comment calculated to improve the general standard; (3) To impress upon the Central and Provincial Governments of the country the vast potentialities of the film as a medium of entertainment and education and publicity which could suitably be harnessed to carry India's message of goodwill, culture and progress abroad; (4) To aid in utilizing the film as a medium of better and closer understanding between communi 35